What is one way to start a conversation with a new friend?
Say "Hi, how are you?" or ask about something they like.
What does a person's face look like when they're happy?
They smile, their eyes may be bright
What is something nice you can do for a friend?
Give them a compliment, share, invite them to play.
What should you do if two friends want to play different games?
Take turns, combine the games, or agree on a new one.
How much space should you leave between you and a friend when talking?
About an arm's length.
What should you do if someone is talking and you want to say something?
Wait your turn, raise your hand in class, or say, "Excuse me."
If someone has their arms crossed and is frowning, how might they feel?
Angry, upset, frustrated
If a friend wins a game, what should you say?
"Good job!" or "That was fun!"
If you accidentally bump someone, what should you say?
"I'm sorry, are you ok?
What should you do if someone backs away while you're talking to them?
Give them more space.
What is a good way to respond if a friend shares something exciting?
Smile, and say "That's cool!" or "Tell me more!"
If you feel nervous before a big test, what can you do to feel better
Take deep breaths, think positively, and talk to a teacher or friend.
If a friend says "I don't want to play right now," what should you do?
Give them space and ask later.
What can you do if you feel really frustrated?
Take deep breaths, count to 10, talk to an adult.
Is it ok to hug someone whenever you want?
No, always ask first.
What should you do if someone looks confused while you're talking?
Pause and ask, "Do you understand?" or "Do you have any questions?"
Your friend is crying. What is something kind you could say?
"Are you ok?", "Do you want to talk about it?"
How can you invite someone to join a game at recess"
"Do you want to play with us?"
If someone calls you a mean name, what is a good way to respond?
Ignore them, say "I don't like that" and walk away.
If a friend steps back when you get close, what does that mean?
They might want more space.
What are two things you can do to show that you're listening?
Make eye contact, nod, ask a follow-up question.
What is one way to tell if someone is joking or being mean?
Look at their facial expression and listen to their tone of voice.
What is something you should NOT do if a friend is upset?
Laugh at them, ignore them, or tell them to "just stop".
If you and a friend both want the same toy, what can you do?
Take turns, find another toy, play together.
What is one reason why personal space is important?
It helps people to feel comfortable and safe.