What is one quality that makes a good friend?
Good listener, kind, helpful, similar interests, funny, and many more.
"What's your name?"
Demonstrate how you would introduce yourself to someone new.
"Hi my name is _____."
What is conflict?
Who was the friend to Stick in one of the books we read?
True or false:
It's important to respect the differences of others when making friends.
What's a question that you can ask a new person when you're getting to know them?
Example: what's your favorite color? What's your favorite movie? Do you have any siblings?
And many others
Body language is important.
True or false: When meeting someone new, you should avoid eye contact.
False - no eye contact when meeting someone new demonstrates to the other person that you are not as interested in talking to them.
True or false:
Conflict is permanent and it cannot be resolved or "fixed."
False - we can learn and practice skills to resolve conflict. Conflict can improve. Sometimes we may need help from an adult.
Ms. Gerlinger is amazing!
TRUE! She's the best!
True or false:
Our friends need to have all of the same interests as us.
False - having differences is important and gives us the opportunity to learn new things from other people. Imagine a world where everyone was the same. That would be pretty boring.
You're talking to someone about their love of movies. What could you ask them?
Example: have you ever seen Star Wars? Who's your favorite movie character? And more...
How can we close out a conversation with someone?
Example: Thank you for sharing about your interests with me. It was really nice to meet you __(name)___.
True or false:
In an "I Message," I should point out all of the things that the other person did and physically point my finger at them, so they know that I am talking about what they did.
False - with "I messages" we should avoid using the word "you" and instead share about how what happened made us feel. Body language matters - we should avoid pointing fingers at people and instead try to keep a calm body when approaching conflict.
One of our closing activities encouraged you to smell the flower and what?
Blow out the candle
True or false:
Everyone we play with and talk to at school was once a stranger.
True - this shows us that we have learned how to meet people before. We can meet new people.
When you reach a dead end in your conversation, what is that commonly called?
Awkward silence - and it's OK. We all experience awkward silence sometimes.
We may forget someone's name after they introduce themselves. It's OK to ask their name again.
True - this happens to everyone from time to time. Asking their name again, maybe feels uncomfortable, it shows the other person that we care about their name and want to remember them.
Adults are experts at resolving conflict.
False - it doesn't come easy to many people. We are all learning and growing as we go.
In the story Best Friends in the Universe, what caused the conflict between the friends?
Secrets were shared.
Please give an example of what someone may do when they aren't interested in playing with you or talking to you.
Examples: running away, ignoring what you're saying, asking you to stop, and more.
What can you do during an awkward silence in your conversation?
Close out the conversation or you could ask more about what they already shared.
Example: "You mentioned you had a sister, what do you and your sister like to do together?"
True or false:
You should always shake someone's hand when you meet them.
Not necessarily. Some people don't like to shake hands. You can gauge the situation. Many adults like to shake hands when they meet someone new. Not many young people like to shake hands, yet.
Your friend shared your secret with other people in your class after you asked them not to. Demonstrate how you could do an "I message" or an "I feel" statement to your friend.
"I feel disappointed that my secret was shared with others. I shared that with you because I thought it would be kept a secret. Next time, please do not share my secrets with other people."
What was this character's name: