Goal Setting

Name at least 2 ways to starting a conversation.

What is…

Look friendly and smile, choose a common shared topic, begin with a greeting, ask a polite question or make a polite comment.


What are some ways you can be respectful of others?

What is… 

listening and not interrupting, greeting peers, helping peers, being polite.


What is one thing you’d like to work towards to help improving in your life.

Possible Responses: -being more organized -being more flexible -being a better listener -asking for help appropriately when needed -working cooperatively with others -developing friendships


What are values? Give two examples.

What is…

Things we place great importance on and act accordingly. Examples include: education, financial, family, humor, health, etc.


Why is it important to choose a shared topic to talk about?

What is…

Because it is more interesting to everybody and everybody can participate in the conversation.


Name 2 things someone can do during a game that may upset other players, other then cheating.

What is… 

bragging, correcting them in an unpolite way, telling another player they are bad at the game, being inattentive to the game such as being on your phone, etc.


What is an area of strength for you (something you feel like you do well)?

Possible Responses: -drawing -sports -video games -making people laugh -working with children -cooking -academics (Math, English, Science, etc.) -respecting adults


What is something you value? How do you show that it is important to you?

Multiple answers… open ended question.


How do you continue a conversation with a peer?

What is..

Look, listen, talk about yourself, ask about others, take turns talking and listening.


Name 3 qualities you look for in a friend.

What is…

 Similar interests, good sense of humor, smart, listens to you, is kind, can be trusted, has a positive attitude, supportive, ....


What is a goal?

A goal is something that you set for yourself to achieve and is something that you do not already do.


What is are 2 ways you can invite a friend to hang out?

Call, Text, ask your therapist for help setting up an outing, ask your bc for help sething up and outing, discuss possible times to hang out with a friend while you are already with them, etc…


How do you end a conversation?

What is…

Give a short explanation and a friendly farewell.


Empathy is knowing how another person feels. Name at least 3 ways we can tell how someone else is feeling.

What is…

Look at the person's facial expression, observe body language, listen to the words, listen to the tone of voice the person is using, pretend to be that person and see through that person's eyes.


Do you have any goals set for yourself? If yes, what are they and how do you plan to reach them.

Open question, multiple responses excepted.


What is it called when you try to understand what another person is feeling, thinking about their personal situation, wants, and struggles.

What is empathy?


Give 2 examples of quick ways you can nicely explain to someone you have to leave

What is… 

"I've got to go now." "I'd better get going." "I've got some stuff to do." Etc.


Name 3 peers you have met during RETH peer groups. Therapist do not count.

What is…






A good goal Should be… (give at least 2 answers)

What is realistic, important to you, able to be achieved, measurable.


Why is it important to spend time with others and to make new friends

Good friends are good for your health. Friends can help you celebrate good times and provide support during bad times. Friends prevent isolation and loneliness and give you a chance to offer needed companionship, too. Friends can also:

  • Increase your sense of belonging and purpose
  • Boost your happiness and reduce your stress
  • Improve your self-confidence and self-worth
  • Help you cope with traumas, such as divorce, serious illness, job loss or the death of a loved one
  • Encourage you to change or avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as excessive drinking or lack of exercise