Social Skills
Life Skills
Hygiene/social skills
Health/social skills
Safety/social skills

What do you do first when you enter the classroom in the morning?

Greet whoever is in the classroom

Place you bags neatly at the side of your table

Sit quietly and wait for class to begin


What is the procedure for sharpening pencils in the morning?

sharpen you pencil at the bin 


I just burped loudly in the middle of a silent room. I should say ____.

Excuse me!


Award the competing team 200 points

Award the competing team 200 points


If I run up and down the stairs nothing will happen.

No. Running up or down the stairs can cause you to fall and injure yourself.


What are the procedures for packing and unpacking your backpack.

You should pack your backpack according to you timetable the night before school.

Double check and make sure you packed the right books especially if there was a public holiday the day before.

Unpack as the your day progresses 


What do you do when you get to your seat in the morning?

Take out your homework record book as well as the books that you will require for the first lesson


How do you line up to exit the room for dismissal?

Line up in single files.

Boys will leave first then the girls


What do you do if you are not sure how to complete your assigned work?(in class or at home)

lift your hands and ask you teacher

call a friend and ask him/her if she can help


My friend is asking me to go to the park but I am not allowed to go. My friend told me he will be upset if I do not go with him. What should I do?

Walk away and tell an adult. Friends should respect you and the rules; tell your friend they are making you uncomfortable.


What do you do with your completed homework?

Present it in class and mark your work with the teacher.

if there is time ask your teacher to mark it.


True or False: At school, it is okay to walk around the classroom when you're done with your work.

False - there is never a reason to walk around without a purpose.





Lose 50 points 

Lose 50 points 


What are the procedures for asking questions during class?

Pick your hands up and wait for the teacher to give you a chance to ask.


What do you do if you have an important letter or note for the teacher?

make sure that you hand it over to the teacher as soon as he enters the class.


What should you do if you left something important (letter, homework, etc.)

Make sure that you in form you form teacher as well as the teacher concerned as soon as he/she enters the classroom


My friend has food on their teeth. I should just ignore it and let them go on with their day.

Depends - You want to be polite and a gentler reminder might suffice!


Bonus..100 points 

Bonus...100 points 


What do you do if you need to use the restroom?

go to the teacher and ask him in a low voice if you could go to the bathroom. 


What do you do if you need a pencil in the morning?

Ask a friend to lend you.

if your friends don't have a pencil for you then ask your teacher.


What do you do at the end of the day to prepare for dismissal?

Wait for instruction from the teacher to pack your backpack.


What are the procedures for cleaning and organising your area at the end of the day?

Make sure that the area around your table is clean and tidy. 

place your chair neatly under your table.

Is it important to exercise? Why or why not.

Yes to stay happy and healthy.


I don't like the game my friend suggested playing. So I will shout and scream until I get my way.

You should politely say that you don't like a game and want to know what other games are available. 
