Social Skills
Life Skills
Social skills/making & keeping friends
Health/social skills
Safety/social skills

True or False: It's good manners to say "thank you" when someone gives you a gift



True or False: It's ok for a kid to use matches or a lighter to light a candle.

False: It is never okay for a kid to use matches or a lighter. You may start a fire or burn yourself. Ask an adult for help.


Name three activities you can do alone and three activities you need other people to do with you.

Alone: Play with your toys, watch TV, work on a craft or hobby, play a video game on your game system, watch a video or play a game on your phone, listen to music, exercise, clean up

With others: Play together, watch tv or a movie together, work on a craft or hobby together, play a video game together, listen to music together, exercise together, play sports, a board game, or a card game together, clean up together


TRUE or FALSE It is okay to drink soda with every meal.

FALSE. You should limit how much soda you drink. You should drink mostly water or milk for strong bones.


A "safe adult" is a grown up who makes you feel safe, listens to you, and helps you when you need it.

True or false: An adult that you don't know who tells you to come get in the car with them is a "safe adult"?

False. If someone you don't know asks you to go with them say, "no", and ask for help from another adult.


True or False:  It is ok to take something out of someone's bookbag when they aren't looking. 

FALSE. It is never ok to go through someone else's belongings, especially when they aren't looking.


If someone has something you want to use should you go up and take it from them?

What is No. You should ask if you can play or use it when they are finished.


What is a friend?

Someone that you like spending time with and likes spending time with you.  You usually have something in common or like/dislike the same things.


Name 3  fruits. 

Bananas, Oranges, Apples, Pears, Strawberries, Cantaloupe, Honey Dew Melon, Watermelon, Pineapples, Grapes


True or false: When playing a game, it is alright to scream and yell when you lose. 

False. It's okay to feel angry inside but not ok to scream. It is important to be a good sport and congratulate the winner. Remember it is just a game. 


True or False: It's OK to take other people's things.

False: You should always ask if you can use something that doesn't belong to you.


True or False: When you finish all of your work school you can make all of the noise you want even if others are still working.

False: You need to respect those who are still working by waiting quietly or doing a quiet activity if your teacher allows.


True or false: If you don't like someone, tell them you hate them.

False.  It is never acceptable to tell someone you hate them.  It is always important to respect others.


Why is it important to take a bath or shower and wear deodrant?

So that we don't smell bad and we keep our bodies clean. 


True or false: It is okay to tell someone you don't know well where you live?

False: You should only share information like your address and phone number with a "safe adult" or someone you know well. This kind of information is called "personal information" and it's best to let your parents give important information like this to others instead of you giving it. 


Act out how you would ask the teacher for help with your work.

Raise your hand or go up to the teacher and ask her. You can say, "Ms. X will you please help me with this?" or "Ms. X, I need help with my work. Will you help me?"


If someone at school says something bad about me who should I talk to about it first?

Who is your teacher. If you are upset go to your teacher. You can also talk to your parents about it later at home.


Showing empathy is when you try to understand what feeling someone is having and you show them kindness and are caring.

True or False: If someone is sad and crying you should tell them to stop being a cry baby to show empathy to them.

False. You can tell them you are sorry that they are sad and try to get them to do something that makes them happy.


True or False:  It is healthy to only eat one meal a day before bed.

False.  You should have 3 balanced meals a day. 


True or false: If a police officer asks me for your address or your parents' names, it is okay to tell them.

True.  Police officers are usually considered "safe" adults


Should you look down or all over the room when you're talking to someone?

No. You should look at the person and make eye contact.


What are the steps to correctly wash your hands? 

1.Turn on water
2.Run your hands under the water
3.Add soap to your hands and rub them together
4.Rinse hands and soap
5.Wipe your hands with a paper towel

6. Use paper towel to turn off water

7. Throw paper towel away


If you see another kid crying or acting upset what should you do?

What is tell them you are sorry they are sad, what can you do to help, and tell an adult.


Is it important to exercise? Why or why not?

Yes. It is good for your health, helps you sleep better, and helps you stay happy and pay attention.


What are 2 reasons that you shouldn't pick your nose.

It's dirty and spreads germs. And it's not good behavior. If your nose feels itchy or is running use a tissue to blow and clean it. When you're done, throw the tissue away and then wash your hands or use hand sanitizer so you don't spread germs. Also, ask to go to the hallway, the restroom or somewhere away from others to blow your nose if you can.
