In the Classroom
When I'm Angry
What should you do?
School Rules

During a class, your teacher asks a question. You shout out the answer without raising your hand. What is wrong with this?

I didn't give other kids the chance to think. I wasn't following school rules.  If I can should out, everyone else can too and then class will be really loud. 


Your friend is mad at you and you don't know why. What should you do? 

Use my words and ask them what is wrong.  


You are really angry at your friend for saying something mean. What should you do?

Stay calm and tell that friend what they said that made me feel angry.  If the friend still isn't being nice, then walk away and find someone else to be around. 


You don't understand what the teacher is talking about. What should you do?

I need to raise my hand and ask the teacher to help me.  I need to explain that I don't understand and that I am frustrated or lost. I need to stay calm. 


You tripped and fell in the hallway. All of the other students laugh at you. How did you feel? What should you do?

I feel embarrassed and angry. I am not hurt, so I can make it into a joke and laugh with the other kids instead of being laughed at. 


You are in class taking a test. You get up to go to the bathroom without asking. What should you do instead?

I didn't follow the school rules. I could disrupt others that are focused. If I left without the teacher knowing, she could worry about where I am and I could be in danger if there is a lock down. 


Your friend moved away to another state. How do you feel? What should you do?

I feel sad because I can't see them anymore.  I could make a new friend, keep in touch with my old friend or ask to talk to someone about my feelings. 


You hit your friend because he made you angry. What is wrong with this?

First, I hurt my friend.  I did not use my words to tell my friend what I didn't like.  I didn't ask for a break or ask the teacher to help me fix the problem.


You forgot your homework at home. You are worried that you will get in trouble.  What should you do?

I should let my teacher know that I forgot my homework and ask if I can bring it tomorrow.


There is a line of students at the door. You go up to the front of the line and cut in front of everyone. What is wrong with this?

I think that I am allowed to do whatever I want. I did not follow the school rules. I was rude. I need to follow the rules and go to the end of the line. 


You need to talk to your teacher, but see that she is talking to someone. What should you do?

Try to figure out the answer on my own, ask a friend or be patient and wait until she is done. 


Another student was talking to you and got you in trouble. How did you feel? What should you do?

I feel mad, but I need to just deal with it. I can feel mad inside, but next time I need to remind them to be quiet and say we can talk during recess. 


A teacher asks you a question and you answer it while staring at your feet. What is wrong with this? 

I need to look at people in the eyes when I am talking.  It is polite and the person can hear what I am saying.  It shows that I am confident and ready to learn.


You stayed home from school and missed a math test. What should you do to be ready for the test tomorrow? 

I need to study hard so that I can make up the math test when I get back to school quickly so I don't miss any more work. 


You got in trouble with your teacher in front of your entire class. How did you feel? What should you do?

I feel embarrassed and angry. Sometimes I do things that I am not supposed to do. I need to deal with the problem and accept what the consequence is. 


You made a new friend at school. How did you feel?

Excited because I have someone to talk to. 


Another student made fun of you and called you a name.  How did you feel? What should you do?

I felt really angry. I felt like a wanted to be mean back. I should tell them that was mean and I don't like when they call me names, walk away, find someone kind to play with, tell the teacher. 


You weren't nice to your friend yesterday because you were in a bad mood. What should you do?

 I should talk to my friend to apologize. If they are still angry with me, I can't get upset because I was mean first, but I can apologize.


Your friend is making fun of another student. What should you do?

Even though I don't want to make my friend mad at me, I need to stand up against bullying. I need to tell my friend to stop and try and get them to do something else instead. 


Your best friend bought you a gift for your birthday. How did you feel? What should you do?

I feel excited and happy. I should say thank you and maybe even write a thank you card. 


You studied for a test all night and didn't get any sleep. How would you feel? What should you do next time so you don't have to study all night?

I felt tired because I didn't sleep.  I should have spent more time studying during the past few days.


You studied really hard for a math test. You got a bad grade on it. How did you feel? What should you do?

I felt frustrated because I worked so hard. I should ask the teacher for help to understand what I did wrong. 


You got a bad grade on your test, but your friend got a good grade. How did you feel? What should you do?

I felt frustrated and jealous.  I need to congratulate them and ask them to help me figure out what I did wrong, so I can get better next time.


You don't like the work that your teacher just gave you. It is making you feel frustrated.  What should you do?

I need to first calm down (take deep breaths, count to 10).  I can also ask my teacher for a short break.  After I am calm, I need to do the work my teacher gave me even if I do not like it.


Your class went to your favorite ice cream store for a field trip. How did you feel?

I feel excited for being able to get ice cream at school. 
