Social Skills
Life Skills
Social skills
Health/social skills
Safety/social skills

True or False: It's good manners to greet people when they walk into the room. 

Give an example of what you could say.



I started cooking something on the stove. It is okay to leave the kitchen while it cooks? What could happen, explain your answer. 

What is NO, it is not okay. A fire could start if the stove is unattended in the kitchen. 


Name a few activities you can do by yourself

Play cards, watch TV, work on a hobby, video games, make phone calls, listen to music, exercise, clean


TRUE or FALSE It is okay to drink soda with every meal.

FALSE. You should limit your soda intake and drink more water.


What qualities do you think make someone a “trusted adult”? Who are the trusted adults in your life?

Who are people who make you feel safe, are good listeners and are helpful when someone is facing a challenge. 


True or False:  It is ok to look into someone's belongings  or go into someone's room when they aren't looking?

FALSE. It is never ok to go through someone else's belongings, especially when they aren't looking.


If someone has something you want to use or play with, what should you do?

 You should ask if you can play or use it when they are finished.


What makes someone a friend?

Someone that you like spending time with and likes spending time with you.  You usually have something in common or like/dislike the same things.


Name 3 healthy fruits or vegetables. 

Bananas, Oranges, Apples, Pears, Strawberries, Broccoli, Celery, Carrots,  


True or false: When playing cards or a board game, it is alright to get mad when you loose?

Is this a big or small problem

False. It's okay to feel angry inside but not ok to scream. It is important to be a good sport and congratulate the winner. Remember it is just a game. 


If 2 people are talking  and you want to say something to them, what should you do?

Interrupt them as they are talking?

Wait until they finish a sentence and let them know you have something to day

Wait until they finish a sentence and let them know you have something to day


True or False: When I finish my work at school I can make all the noise I want.

What is FALSE. You need to respect everyone and wait quietly or call for your teacher.


True or false: If you don't like someone, tell them you hate them.

False.  It is never acceptable to tell someone you hate them.  It is always important to respect others.


Why is it important to wear deodorant and shower?

So that we don't smell bad/offensive. 


 It is okay to ask someone you don't know well for personal information?

False. It's ok to share personal information with people important and close to you.


When I want to talk to someone, what's the first thing I should do?  

I should say something to get their attention and wait for them to look at me.


If someone at school has upset you by something they have said or done, what should you do?

If you are upset go to your teacher. 


What is it called when you try to understand someone else's feelings?

What is empathy.


True or False:  It is healthy to not eat all day and just have one big meal before bed.

False.  You should have 3 balanced meals a day. 


True or false: If a police officer asks me for my address or my parents' names, it is okay to tell them.

True.  Police officers are usually considered "safe" adults


When talking with people should you 

A. Look at them in the eyes

B. Look around the room

Give a demonstration to your friend on the right.

Look at them in the eyes


What are the steps to correctly wash your clothes. 

1.) Load clothes
2.) Add detergent
3.) Select setting
4.) Close lid
5.) Push start


If someone is upset what should you do?

What is tell them you are sorry they are sad, what can you do to help, and tell an adult.


Why is it important to exercise? 

How do you exercise?

Yes. Good Health, happiness, assists with good sleep, helps with mood.


What are 2 reasons that you shouldn't pick your nose.

It's dirty and spreads germs. And it's not acceptable behavior.
