People Skills (Social Skills)
Zones of Regulation
Conversation Skills
Conversation & Social Skills
This type of behavior makes others feel comfortable, safe, and happy. This type of behavior changes depending on the setting you're in.

What is expected behaviors?


In this zone, we feel out of control and angry. We tend to blow things out of proportion when we are in this zone color.

What is the red zone?


This is something you can ask about to start a conversation, when you are familiar with the person and have some background information about what they like.

What is a person's interests?


You should follow this conversation rule to show that you are interested in the topic that someone is talking about. If you don't follow this rule, people might think you are rude or self-centered. 

What "stay on topic"?


This skill is anything a person does to keep themselves calm or calm down after a stressful event?

Coping Skills


This type of behavior makes others feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or upset. This type of behavior also changes depending on the setting.

What is unexpected behaviors?


In this zone we feel happy and calm. In this zone, people are most comfortable around you.

What is the green zone?


This is a skill that you use during conversations to SHOW that you are listening and can include nodding or smiling. 

What is active listening? 


Talking to someone while looking down or around the room means that you are not using this important people skill?

What is "thinking with your eyes"?


This coping skills can be used anytime and anywhere and really only requires your lungs, mouth, nose, and of course attention!

What is deep breathing?


This skill is used to figure out what people around you are thinking and feeling. If you use this skill correctly, you can give a good guess about what others in the room might be thinking or feeling about you. 

What is "thinking with your eyes"?


This zone would be okay if you are at a birthday party or a park, but would not be expected if you are at school working on an assignment. 

What is the yellow zone?


This is one way you can start a conversation by making the other people feel good, special, or appreciated.

What is a compliment?


When someone is talking and you show that you are listening by saying comments like, "same! cool or wow" you are using this conversation skill. 

What is active listening? 


What is one type of bullying?



This skill is used when you're in a group and want to show that you are an active participant and paying attention. 

What is using good eye contact, leaning forward, and/or asking questions?


In these two zones, people typically have poor control over their emotions and behaviors and therefore, may act unexpectedly or even mean.

What are the yellow and red zones?


When you start a conversation by asking someone "What did you do last week", you are asking a question about the____.

What is the past?


Make sure you do this before starting any conversation!!!!

What is say hello?


What is it when you say something nice to someone?

A Compliment


You need to use this skill whenever you walk into a new situation or room so you can figure out what is expected to do and say. 

What is using good eye contact and using our brain to think about how to join in?


What is the purpose of knowing what zone you are in given specific situations?

What is how you monitor your behavior reflects on how others perceive you. 

You're feelings are always okay, just make sure to monitor your behavior!


This is a conversation rule you should always follow if you don't want people to think you're dominating the conversation.

What is taking turns talking?

When starting a conversation, if you don't know a person's interests you can always ask them a question about these three things...

What is past, present, and future?


What does it mean when you put yourself in someone elses shoes?

