When you greet someone, what should you say?
Hello, Hi, good morning, other greetings
When you leave a conversation, you should always say ____.
Goodbye, see you later
If you are in the middle of a conversation about a topic, should you or should you not change it in the middle of that conversation?
You should not
If you meet someone for the first time, you greet them with ______.
Hi, what's your name or share your name
When you are talking to a person, you should always make _____ contact
Eye contact
When ending a conversation, you end it on
A) A high note
B) A low note
True or false- only one person can talk in a conversation
Ask what their idea is, make a compromise, stay calm
What should your body language look like when listening to someone talking?
Facing communication partner (not turned away)
If a group of other people are talking and you are interested in joining the conversation, what should you do and say?
Wait for a pause, say hello, and begin talking about the conversational topic
True or false- you tell the person you're talking to goodbye and leave.
What's something you could say to change the topic of conversation?
Speaking of... That makes me think of... That reminds me of...
If you someone says they went to the pool this weekend, what could you say?
Ask a question, make a comment
nod head, say "wow" "amazing" "Mhmm," looking at the person, hand under chin
If you meet someone new, how should you start the conversation?
By saying hello and your name and then asking them their name
If someone says they have to go, do they continue the conversation or end the conversation?
End the conversation
When having a conversation with someone, you can respond with a _____ or a ______.
If you think a topic is boring, you should:
A) start a new topic right away
B) End the first topic first
When you are conversing with the other person, you are not listening but show signs of paying attention is called?
social fake
What is a good question you can ask someone new to get to know them?
Ask them about hobbies/things they like, things they do, ask them about their favorite ______
If the person you are talking to all of a sudden just walks away without saying goodbye, they didn't do what?
They didn't give a proper farewell
If the topic dies out, what should you do?
If someone shares sad news you with, like that their dog passed away, what can you say?
I'm so sorry that happened, Can I do anything for you?
If the person you are talking to seems to be paying attention but is not saying much and is just nodding and agreeing at everything you say, they are ?
not paying attention