Social Skills
social skills in school

True or False: If you want to make a friend, ask about the other person's interests.

What is True. You might learn that you both share something in common with one another.


what is empathy?

understanding others feelings


I just burped loudly in the middle of a silent room. I should say ____.

What is say excuse me!


If a person doesn't stop doing something after ive asked them nicely to, what should I do next?

walk away, ask to move, or let a teacher know


you and a friend disagree on how something should be done. what should you do?

rock paper scissors, ask someone else to decide, Ask a teacher for help.


Is someone is making an annoying noise and I can't focus, what should I do?

Ask them nicely to stop


what are some ways to show respect to others?

being kind and polite


How often should I brush my teeth? 

What is two times a day. Once in the morning and once at night.


During Covid-19, I see my best friend who I haven't seen in over a year. I run up to her to give her a hug, but she turns away. What could I give her instead?

What is a fist bump, elbow bump, a friendly wave, ankle taps, etc.


I like my friend a lot, but I do not like the food his mom makes. It is ok for me to say "no thank you" to dinner invitations. 

What is true. It is ok to not say yes to all invitations. 


True or False When someone does not quickly respond to my question, I should repeatedly ask them until they answer.

What is False. They may be thinking of an answer, and repeatedly asking would be annoying and frustrating to others.


how do we show respect to our property? (things we own)

clean up, take care of our belongings, put things where they should go, be gently with our toys.


It is mandatory to shower every day.

not necessarily


A new girl in class is sitting by herself at recess...what can you do?

walk up to her and give her a compliment, ask what her interests are, ask if she wants to play with you, introduce her to your friends.


My friends just made a terrible rumor about me. And now no one will talk to me. It makes me sad and hurts my feelings. I should make a rumor about my friend to get back at them.

What is False. Never EVER resort to bringing anyone else down when you feel down.


If someone is different from me, and does things that appear strange like rocking back and forth or talks to himself, this is how I should react.

I need to be friendly. Everyone is different, and that is okay.


how do we show respect to our selves?

take care of our bodies, eat healthy, stay clean, and use coping skills.


why is it important to wear clean clothes/pick up our clothes off the floor?

clothes can have sweat and germs built up on them at the end of the day.


Someone in your class calls you a mean name for no reason. what do you do?

use your words. Tell them to stop!


a friend borrowed your favorite book and hasn't given it back yet . You really want to read it. what should you say?

say, "Did you like the book you borrowed?" they might remember and say, oh yea! I forgot to bring it. thanks for reminding me? if they said they hadn't read it yet, give them a time frame to return it by.


Give me an example of how to introduce yourself to others.

What is "Hi, my name is _________. What's yours?"


How do you tell a friend that you didn't like something they did?

Kindly. Use an I statement to let them know. It made me mad when you did this...

I felt upset when you said...

if our friends don't know how we feel because we don't tell them, they may continue doing what we don't like.


is it ok to bite our nails if we don't have nail clippers?

dirt can get under our nails and can harbor germs. Its best to use nail clippers if we have them!


Your class is about to present their projects in front of everyone. You feel nervous. Your heart begins to pound fast. what should you do?

take some deep belly breaths. ground yourself. volunteer to go first and get it over with!


how do you show someone "active listening."

eye contact, nodding head, not talking over them, body still.
