Size of the Problem
Coping Strategies
Body language and Facial Expressions

Expected or Unexpected: Shaking hands with someone when introducing yourself.

This is commonly an expected behaviors when meeting other people. Due to COVID this may no longer be an appropriate way to greet someone. Instead, you may want to wave and maintain good eye contact and appropriate non verbals. 

You earned negative points for horse playing with a peer. Is this a big problem or a small problem? Why?

This is a small problem. You can accept the negative points and practice for the behaviors to earn 100 points back. 


You get frustrated while in class at a peer. Act it out: How can you use a coping skill right now?

Take deep breaths, ask for a break, respectfully ask the student to stop what they are doing, ask for a fidget or noise cancelling headphones. 

You see someone sitting at their desk. Their face is red and they have their arms crossed. What might they be feeling? What should you do in this situation?

They might be feeling angry, frustrated, or upset. Depending on how well you know the person, you might ask them if they are okay, just leave them alone, or tell a staff member that you think they are upset.


True or false: There is only one way to be mindful.

FALSE! There are so many ways to be mindful! We have explored some of these various strategies during group including watching mindfulness videos, coloring, drawing, mindful eating, and using our senses. 


Expected or Unexpected: Walking into the classroom and ignoring the teacher

This is an unexpected behavior. Greeting your teacher upon entering the room is a way to practice appropriate social skills and being polite


There is what you think to be a fire drill in the classroom. On your way out of the building, you see a small fire in the main office as fire fighters run into the building. Is this a small or a big problem? Why?

This is a big Problem! Your safety could be in immediate danger but the school is taking the appropriate action to keep you safe. 


You are asked to wait while the teacher prepares something. You start to feel impatient. Act it out: How can you manage this frustration? What will you say/do?

Take deep breaths, ask for a break, ask for a fidget while you wait. Read your target skills and practice the steps.


A friend comes into the classroom and you see that they are yawning a lot and rubbing their eyes. What is their body language and facial expression saying? What should you do?

They are showing that they might be tired. You could encourage them to stay engaged in group/class and offer to hang out with them on motor break. You may also feel like it is best to just give them their space (some people do not like to talk if they are tired/irritable).


What are three senses that you can use while being mindful. 

Sight, touch, hearing, smell, taste. 


Expected or Unexpected: Having your point sheet filled out with your name, the date, your target skills and their steps before class or group starts. 

This is an expected behavior. Having your point sheet completed before the day begins is an expectation that has been discussed and explained. 


You're having a problem with a peer and it keeps getting worse. The student has been threatening you on social media and through text messages. The peer told you that they are going to bring a gun to school. Is this a small or big problem? Why? 

This is a big problem! Your safety may be in danger. You should tell school staff about these threats immediately. 


You're having problems falling asleep in class. It feels like every couple of minutes your eyes start to fall asleep. ACT it out: What can you do?

Ask to stand by your desk or take a break. Use a fidget or figure out how much longer until motor break. 


You are talking to a friend and they keep looking at their watch or phone. What is their body language telling you? What should you do?

Their body language might be saying that they aren't interested in the conversation or they have somewhere to be soon. You could ask them if they need to go and if you can finish catching up later. 


What does it mean to be optimistic?

To have a positive outlook. 


Expected or Unexpected: Talking with a classmate while the teacher is writing on the board or explaining a lesson. 

This is an unexpected behavior. While the teacher is teaching, you and your peers should be at a level 0 and paying attention. You can show that you are paying attention with non-verbal behaviors: eye contact, nodding your head, raising your hand to ask a question, taking notes. 


Someone keeps flipping you off when the teacher looks away. It is really starting to get on your nerves and makes you want to do something negative back. Is this a big or small problem? Why?

This is a small problem. Although this is annoying, it is something that you can ignore and talk to a teacher about privately.


The work the teacher assigned is frustrating you. You keep trying to do it and it just makes you more angry. Act it out: what can you do?

Ask for a break, ask for one-on-one help from the teacher. Look at your notes or the example given. Wait patiently for the teacher's help.


You are telling your friend a story and after a couple minutes their eyes start looking away and their toes are tapping and they are slowly distancing from you. How might they be feeling? What should you do?

They might be getting bored of your story or they may be feeling impatient. You should probably get to the point or help them understand the relevancy.


What does it mean to be pessimistic?

Tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen.

Having a negative outlook.  


Expected or Unexpected: Telling a teacher when you are having a problem with a peer you can't solve alone.

This is an expected behavior. Although it can be frustrating and difficult to do at times, it is important to be able to ask for help. It will be difficult to receive help if you do not communicate to others what you want/need. 


You get stuck on a question and don't know what to do. You raise your hand to ask the teacher for help but she/he is busy working with another student. By the time the teacher gets around to you, the day is basically over and they tell you that your grade might suffer because now you do not have time to finish. Is this a big or small problem? Why?

Again, this may feel like a big problem at time time but is it a SMALL problem. You can ask to talk with your teacher privately and figure out a solution. You are not in immediate danger and are able to problem solve with an adult.


You're having a bad day and just can't seem to get past it. Act out: What can you do?

Ask to check in with staff. Express your feelings and ask for help appropriately. Take a break. Talk to a friend on motor break. Write your feelings down and give it to a staff member or throw it away. 


You are telling a teacher about a movie you saw last night. The teacher keeps looking away from you and concentrates on doing their work. What is their facial expressions saying? What should you do?

They might be busy at the moment and are struggling to stay focused on talking with you. You could ask to check in with them later on a break. 


What are some ways to be optimistic?

Practicing positive thinking, positive self talk, engaging in pleasurable activities (hobbies/interests).
