Perspective Taking

What should you say when you meet someone for the first time?

"Hello, my name is___"

" It's Nice to meet you"


What is this man feeling and how do you know?


He is smiling


My mom told me I should look at my friend's perspective to help me understand how he is feeling about the situation.

What does perspective taking mean?

Understanding/Looking at a situation from someone else's point of view


Student 1: "Hi how are you?"

Student 2: "I like pizza"

Is student 2's response expected or unexpected? Why?



I was having trouble with my assignment so I decided to self-advocate and tell my teacher what I needed help with.

What does self-advocate mean?

Speaking up for yourself/needs/interests to others


How should you respond if someone says "How was your weekend?"

1. Tell them about your weekend

2. Ask them how their weekend was too


What emotion is this child feeling and how do you know?


Facial Expression (mouth/nose bunched)

Body Language (crossing arms)


A student dropped their lunch on the cafeteria floor and everyone started laughing. 

How might they feel? Why?


Everyone is laughing/making fun of them


Teacher: "Does anyone have any questions on the assignment?"

Student: "Yes, I am confused on how to compete question 2." 

Was student 2's response expected or unexpected? Why?



You know you have an upcoming math test on things you don't understand. Should you ask the teacher for extra help or just take the test and hope for the best?

Ask the teacher for extra help


What should you say when your at a restaurant and the waiter asks you what you want to eat?

"I would like the ______ thank you"


How is this woman feeling and how do you know?


Facial Expression (eyes/eyebrows)

Body Language (hands covering mouth)


Your mom tells you your grounded for not cleaning your room since she already told you to clean it twice before.

How might your mom feel? Why?

1. Upset that she has to repeat herself multiple times

2.Upset that you are not listening to what she is asking/saying


Friend 1: "Hey, do you wanna hangout after school?"

Friend 2: "Minecraft is my favorite game I play everyday." 

Friend 1: "That's cool, so should we hangout?"

Friend 2: "I like building towns in Minecraft."

Is Friend 2's response expected or unexpected? Why?



During class your not finished taking notes when your teacher goes onto the next slide. What should you do to self-advocate?

Ask the teacher if she could please go back to the last slide so you could finish taking notes


If you are confused about what someone is telling you what should you say?

"I'm sorry can you please repeat what you said?"

"I'm sorry can you please rephrase what you just said I didn't understand." 

"I'm sorry I don't understand what you just said."


What is this man feeling and how do you know?


Facial Expression (looking away)

Body Language (hand on head)


When your hanging out with your friend he accidentally steps on your white shoes, leaving a mark. He says sorry but you get upset and yell at him for ruining your shoes.

What is your friends perspective?

1. He is your friend and would never intentionally ruin your shoes

2. It was an accident and he said sorry because he feels bad about it


Teacher: Does anyone know the answer to question ten?

Student: I'm not sure if I know the answer but I want to try

Is the student's response expected or unexpected? Why?



If your friend was talking to you about something that you didn't like and you were starting to get upset, how could you self-advocate for yourself? 

1. Tell your friend you do not want to discuss that topic because it makes you upset

2. Ask them to change the topic/talk about something else


What should you do when your having a conversation with someone?

1.Stay on topic

2. Ask questions 

3. Add information/statements


What emotion is this women feeling and how do you know?


Facial Expression 

Body Language (hand on head)


Friend 1: "I'm really upset I got a D on my test."

Friend 2: "Yeah I know how you feel I was really upset when I got a D on the test last week."

Friend 1: "Why do you always have to make everything about you?"

What is Friend 1's perspective? What is Friend 2's perspective?

Friend 1: He was feeling upset and wanted his friend to listen to his problem

Friend 2: He was trying to make his friend feel better by telling him he knows how he feels because he has gotten a bad grade before too


Teacher: Today we are going to read our story popcorn style. Who would like to go first?

Student: I think I volunteer my friend Jack to go first.

Is the student's response expected or unexpected?



During your basketball game your coach tells everyone to run play #2 but you can't seem to remember what your supposed to do. How can you self-advocate? 

1. Tell your coach you forgot and ask him to tell you

2. Ask one of your teammates to tell you what happens in play #2
