Kind, trustworthy, shares, etc...
An impulse is this
An urge that we have to say or do something
You're playing with a classmate and another classmate asks to join. You should do what?
Let the other classmate join
Your assignment is really easy for you but your classmates are having a hard time with it. Should you brag about it?
No, bragging is not nice. You could politely see if classmates need help.
You get invited to a party, but you don't really get along with that person. You should do what?
Thank the person for inviting you and politely decline. BE POLITE! It was nice of them to invite you!
You should do this if you see someone being bullied
Ask them to stop, tell them it's not nice, get help from an adult if they don't stop
What can you say to yourself to control your impulses?
Slow down...think about this a choice that will get me in trouble...what is something else I can do?