Body Language
Conversation and friendship

What is one gesture that sends a message to someone else? 

e.g. waving, pointing, etc...


What are some ways you can initiate a conversation?

"Hi, my name is ____, what is your name?" or "Hi, how are you?", etc.


What are considered the "magic words"?

"Please" and "Thank you"


What is physical bullying?

Includes hitting, kicking, pinching and pushing or damaging property. It causes both short term and long term damage.


What are boundaries in the social world? 

Boundaries refer to personal bubbles and are the limits and rules we set for ourselves within relationships. They can be physical, emotional, time, material and intellectual. 


When approaching someone to talk or have a conversation, what is a good distance between you and the other person? 

Somewhere between 2-3 feet. 


What do you do when you run out of things to talk about?

Ask a question, answer a question, tell a fact, give an opinion, ask about their opinion, tell a story, ask them for a story, talk about something similar.


What should you say when you burp or pass gas?

"Excuse me"


Includes name calling, insults, teasing, intimidation, homophobic or racist remarks, or verbal abuse. This can start off harmless but it can escalate to levels which start affecting the individual who is the target.

Verbal Bullying.

Someone keeps running up to you and hugging you when you see them. It makes you extremely uncomfortable but you don't want to be mean. What kind of boundary do you need to set with this person?

A physical boundary.


Your teacher and a para having a conversation by the teacher's desk and you want to show the teacher something. What do you do?

Wait patiently for the para and teacher to finish talking OR wait a few feet away and quietly say "excuse me".


What does it mean to call someone an acquaintance?

A person you know a little bit about, but who is not a close friend of yours.


What should you do when someone is entering or exiting a building behind you?

Hold the door open for them.


Negative facial or physical gestures, menacing or contemptuous looks are all examples of what kind of bullying?

Social Bullying.


When setting boundaries what are some things I can't control?

How others will react, being judged by others, the beliefs and attitudes of others, when others are not prepared, etc.


You walk up to an acquaintance who you really like with a group of their friends. When you walk up to them they all turn away. What does that mean?

It may mean they don't want to talk.


What are three characteristics of a good friend?

Respectfulness, loyalty, kindness, etc.

Where should your hands be while at the dinner table?

In your lap. If you are eating keep one hand in your lap.


If someone texts you "you're a freak!" what type of bullying is that?

Cyber bullying.


Someone keeps borrowing money from you and promises they will pay you back, but they never do. They owe you a lot of money now. What type of boundary should you set?

A material boundary


You keep texting someone who is potentially a friend but they never respond. What does this mean?

They may not be a good potential friend.


You want a conversation to end, how can you end it without being rude?

Say "I am sorry, I have to get going" or "It was so nice to see you but I need to leave now" or "Thank you so much for talking to me, I will see you later!" etc.

What should you do when the bathroom door is shut?

Knock before entering.


Are only children and teenagers bullied?

No, adults can be bullied too.


When setting boundaries, what are some things you can control?

maintaining my personal space, how often I let others borrow my things, how often I volunteer, etc.
