Is there anything you like to collect for fun?
I like to collect stickers!
I like to collect antiques.
Tell one place people should turn off their cell phones.
Movie theaters
Do you think animals have feelings?
I think animals have feelings because....
No, I don't think animals have feelings because...
Do you think it is important to have friends?
I think it is important to have friends because....
I don't think it is important to have friends because...
How many times a day should you brush your teeth?
How do you feel when someone sends you a birthday card?
I feel warm inside.
I feel excited.
I feel loved.
What should students do if the teacher asks the class to be quiet?
Stop talking
stop moving
stop rustling papers
What should you do if you hurt another person's feelings?
If you care about that person, you don't want to say something that will make them feel bad. You can say,
I will try not to do that again.
I am sorry I hurt your feelings.
What are two examples of what you should not wear in public?
Pajamas, underwear only
Name 3 personal hygiene items?
deodorant, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, mouthwash, fingernail clippers
How can you use technology to tell someone "Happy Birthday"?
Send them an e-card.
Text them a happy birthday message
Sing them a song in a Google Meet.
Should people put a napkin on their lap when eating?
Yes. Why?
How do you feel when someone says 'thank you" to you?
It makes me feel....
Is it a good idea to knock on a closed bathroom door?
Yes, because....
How often should you shower or bathe?
2-3 times a week
What makes you laugh?
The show "Modern Family".
Silly jokes
What can people do when someone in their home has a birthday?
Wish them "Happy Birthday"
Make them a cake
Make them a card
Is there anything you do not like about yourself?
I don't like....
What should you do if someone calls you a name in class?
I can tell the person I don't like to be called names. Please use my real name.
I can stay away from that person.
I can let the instructor know.
What should you do after holding an animal?
Wash your hands
What should you do if someone is talking and you need help?
Say "Excuse me, I need help"
If it's an emergency, yell "HELP"!
Is it okay to talk with strangers in a doctor's waiting room?
Yes, if they want to have a conversation.
How do you feel when your class has a substitute teacher?
When my teacher is absent, I feel.....
Do you get along better with people or pets?
I get along better with....
What should you do if you have to sneeze?
cover your mouth, sneeze in to a tissue, or sneeze into your elbow