Social Skills
Life skills
Hygiene/Social Skills
PBIS Part 2

What is social skills?

Social skills are the skills we use everyday to interact and communicate with others. They include verbal and non-verbal communication, such as speech, gesture, facial expression and body language.


In taking medication or vitamins, is it okay to take them whenever I want?

No. You should work on taking them at the recommended time of day. Taking them consistently at a certain time also helps us to remember to take them


Why is it important to shower?

it makes us so we do not get infections, or sores


What is PBIS?



T= Take a step back 

O= Observe 

P= Proceed mindfully

Positive Behavior Incentive System


What do you what do earn as an incentive? 

Answers may vary- Write it on a Post-it, put it on Mrs. Griffin's desk

Each team get points

 Level 1:

Level 2:

Level 3:


Why is Social Skills important?

It teaches us the tools that enable people to communicate, learn, ask for help, get needs met in appropriate ways, get along with others, make friends, develop healthy relationships, protect themselves, and in general, be able to interact with the society harmoniously. 


 If I need someone's attention, I walk up to them and say:

You would say Excuse me, pardon me or Hello


When do we use deodorant? And what if I don't have any?

EVERYDAY! and tell Mrs. Griffin she will always have some for you to have. 


How many refusals in a day can you have before is counts as a violation?

2, the third is a violation


How many points do you need for levels 1, 2 and 3

Level 1, 0-10 points a week

Level 2, 10- 15 points a week

Level 3,15- 25 points a week


What are some signs that someone is uncomfortable?

Walking away, not making eye contact, Facial expression may change, they may play with their hair, or start fidgeting. 


True or False: When not feeling well I should sit extra close to my best friend because we are always together anyways and it doesn't matter if they are going to catch it anyways.



True or False: I woke up late and I think having a piece of gum is good enough for my breath.   



How do level up?

Meet the requirements, complete the form carefully and correctly, hand it in and be ready to defend your petition if questioned.


What do you want to earn for a month's worth of points

Level 1 (30-50)

Level 2 (50-75)

Level 3 (75-100)

Answers may vary- write down your answers on a post-it put them on Mrs. Griffin's Desk


What are activities that can help improve social skills?

Visuals, Role plays, music, journaling, games, Taking turns, Art, films, 


What should I do, if I feel uncomfortable with someone?

Tell them, Tell someone how they made you feel, walk away or get loud


How often should I shower?

everyday or every other day


Is PBIS a whole class or individual set goals?

Individual-Everyone is working on something different.  


Why do you think I want you to use this system for our classroom?

It helps motivate, you earn something, self-worth, self-respect, self-discipline, self-responsibility, check in with yourself


What are some things that you wanna learn to make you more successful in this class? Write it on a post-it and airplane it to Mrs. Griffin

Answers may Vary


Should someone ask to touch you?

Absolutely, consent is everything. No one should be in your bubble if they are not wanted 


My friend has food on their teeth. I should just ignore it and let them go on with their day.

No- politely let them know about it.


What do the points mean? 1-5

1. You struggled-did not participate or complete your work

2. Sat and Listened but did not participate in classroom work or discussion

3. Completed work but was not focused and putting all your best efforts forward

4. Completed your work and participated 

5. Was Respectful, Particated, Focused, and was able to be a example for peers


What if you stay on the same level for multiple months?

