Body Language
Conversation Skills
Self Confidence

What would you assume about the other person if he  was sitting slouched over and looking at the ground.

I would assume that he is feeling bad, tired, or sad about something.


How do you  know when you can add a comment to a conversation?

When there is a pause - an opening to jump in.


When you are in a group, where should your body be facing when there is a conversation?

Your body should be facing the speaker.


How do you know someone is your friend?

They are a friend if they seem to enjoy being around you and ask to do things with you?  


True or False:  A way to be confident is bringing others down (name calling, placing blame on others, laughing at someone) to make yourself feel better. 

False: Bringing others down does not make someone confident. If you treat someone that way you could have a hard time making new friends. 


What would you assume if your friend kept looking at the clock while you were talking?

I would assume that I am talking too long or he needs to go somewhere.


If you just joined a group talking about their favorite football teams, what might you say?

You could add a comment about one of the teams they are talking about or you could mention your favorite team.


How does a speaker know you are listener?

By looking at you.  You should be looking at the speaker and your body should be facing them.


Is everyone in your class your friend?

No, they are your classmates.  Usually you would have a few close friends.  


How should you stand to look self confident?

You should stand tall with your head high and shoulders back


What does it mean when someone is biting their lip or their nails in a group of people?

It may mean that they feel worried, anxious, or stressed. 


What would you say if you were talking and someone interrupted and said 'you are wrong'.

You could ask why they think so, and let them share their thoughts then add a supporting fact to your opinion.  Maybe your friend could have interrupted with a kinder response?


When do you know it's your turn to make a comment?

When there is a pause in the conversation.


Should your friend do 'everything' with you?

No, often people have more than one friend and they may want to spend time with other people too.  


What should you say when someone gives you a compliment?

Just say thank you and you could return a compliment back to them. 


True or False: We can learn more about a person from their body language than their speech



If your friend is talking about a singer that you hate, should you say that?

A nicer way to interact would be just to acknowledge what they are saying but you don't need to say you hate that singer.


Why should you not be looking at your cell phone when in a group conversation?

Because it looks like you are not listening. (You probably aren't if you are on your cell phone.)


What would you do if your 'friend' is always making jokes about you and laughing at you with other friends?

You should talk to that friend about how it hurts your feelings. It may be best to not be around that person anymore. That behavior is not friend behavior and no one needs to tolerate that.


True or False: Comparing yourself to your best friend, sibling, peer or teammate can destroy a self-esteem and confidence. 



What might you assume when sitting in a group and one person has her legs crossed and her arms crossed?

It might mean that she is uncomfortable with the conversation or with the group.


What could you say or do to include a quiet friend in a group conversation?

You could turn to that friend and say 'what do you think?' This always him an opportunity to speak.


What could you do if it looks like no one is listening while you are talking?

Stop and read the situation.  Maybe you were talking too much or too long and the others lost interest.


What might you do if your friend doesn't call anymore or hasn't hung around you for a couple of weeks?

You could ask him if something was wrong, listen to his response and try to change your behavior. Or, if he just doesn't want to be friends anymore you could just move on.


What does self confidence mean?

Self confidence means you feel good about yourself and do not need other people to make you feel good. You know that you are doing your best.
