How do coping skills help us
They help us with working through and processing our emotions and stress
What would you do if you are in class and you do not know what is going on.
What could you do?
Might- sleep, stop working, draw, leave
Could- Ask for help, ask for a break
You might feel this way of you have to take a test you did not study for
Nervous, anxious
What zone do these feelings belong to- Sad, bored, tired, sick
Blue zone
What is a stressor?
Anything that causes someone to be in a state of tension (stress), this can be people, places or things
Coping skills you can use in a classroom
Deep breathing, drawing, writing, etc.
What would you do if you are about to be late for class but you see your friend at the end of the hallway?
What could you do?
might- go say hi to them, yell down the hall
could- walk to class and see them later
You might feel this way if someone takes something of yours
Angry, annoyed
What zone do these feelings belong to- Panicked, angry, terrified
Red Zone
What should you do if you yourself being triggered?
A coping skill (exercise, walks, go to the gym, breathing, etc.)
What are unhealthy coping skills
Coping skills that are used to deal with stress or difficult emotions that provide short-term relief but ultimately have negative consequences
What would you do if you are in class and you feel like your teacher is being rude to you?
What could you do?
might- swear, say mean things, leave class
Could- walk away, take a breath, have a calm conversation with them later
You might feel this way if you had to sit alone at lunch
Lonely, sad
What zone do these feelings belong to? Worried, silly, excited
Yellow Zone
Can you be in more than one zone at a time?
throwing things, yelling at others, property damage, etc
What would you do if you are really upset and in class?
What could you do?
might- put head down, leave
Could- ask for a break, talk to a trusted adult
You might feel this way if you see other people with a new item you want
What zone do these feelings belong to? Happy, calm, focused
Green Zone
Describe 3 coping skills
Examples: breathing, drawing, talking to someone you trust, walk, etc
True or False: You only need one coping skill
False, certain coping skills are helpful for certain emotions (different ones for anger, sadness)
What would you do if you are in class and another student is doing something you find annoying?
What could you do?
might- yell at them, call them names
Could- ask them to stop, ask to move
You might feel this way when you are surprised with free time
Name all four colors of the Zones of Regulation
Blue, Green, Red, Yellow
Do all coping skills get us back calm and ready to learn?
No, everyone is different and need to find what work for them in each situation.