Appropriate or not?
What would you do?
Healthy Communication VS Unhealthy

Your friend's friend takes your seat in class, so you tell them to move because that is your seat. 

Not appropriate.


Your brother keeps going into your room without asking you first and it upsets you. What do you do?

Ask them not to do that without asking you, go to an adult for help on dealing with the situation, etc. 


Your classmate insults you in front of the whole class, so you yell at them and curse at them. 


100 bonus points: WHY is it unhealthy?


What is a boundary? (in your own words)

Boundaries are the lines and limits you create between yourself and other people. They allow you to define what is acceptable and healthy for you in your relationships. The boundaries you communicate and maintain can protect you both physically and psychologically.


Your teacher calls on you in class, but you do not know the answer, so you ignore her. 

Not appropriate. 


You had saved your leftovers from going out to eat last night for today for lunch, but when you go get them they are gone. What do you do?

Ask who ate your food, ask your mom if you can go out again some time soon and get the same thing to actually be able to eat it, talk it out and use I statements. 

Your friend tells another friend of theirs an embarrassing thing that had happened to you last week- you asked them to not tell anyone. You let them know how it made you feel with a calm tone of voice and appropriate body language. 

Healthy- you used I statements and said how it made you feel in a healthy manner. 


What are the different types of boundaries? (There are many but come up with at least 2-3). 

Physical, emotional, spiritual, time, financial. 


Your friend tries to copy your test during class because he does not know the answers and did not study, so you let him. 

Not appropriate. 


Your friend made plans with you today and said that you were going to hang out, but it is the day of and you have heard nothing. What do you do?

Ask them if you are still hanging out today, text them and make sure that everything is okay, reschedule if needed.


Your brother is trying to tell you what to do and he knows that you cannot stand that. You begin telling him what to do and raising your voice at him to let him know who is boss. 



What is an example of a physical boundary?

Not letting people get into your personal space. 


Your friend is ignoring you and not saying why and you have not done anything wrong, so you confront them and ask them what you have done to upset them. 



Your friend took your favorite jacket from your room without asking. What do you do?

Ask for it back, let them borrow it, ask to borrow something of theirs, etc. 


Your mom asks you to clean your room, but you really do not feel like doing it now, so you tell her no. 



What is an example of an emotional boundary?

Letting go of friendships with people who worsen your mental health, breaking up with someone who is not good for you or your mental health, etc. 


Your friend tells you that they have been being bullied by the same person over and over. Your friend does not want you to go to an adult, but you do anyways. 



You did all of your math homework yesterday, but forgot it at home. What do you do?

Talk to the teacher about the situation, ask for an extension or to bring it in tomorrow. 


Your mom told you last week that you need to get to bed earlier and practice getting back to school now that summer is ending and you tell her that you will start tonight. You decide to stay up late and watch YouTube instead. 



What are some of your own personal boundaries? 

