Verbal Communication
Non-verbal Communication
Conflict Resolution

The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

What is empathy.


Verbal communication is __________

What is the use of words to share information with other people.


True or False: we get just as much information from non-verbal communication as we do verbal communication.

What is true.

Define conflict

What is a serious disagreement or argument.

Cool as a cucumber

What is someone who remains calm, even in a stressful situation.


True or False: Empathy and Sympathy mean the same thing.

What is false.


True or False: verbal communication is only spoken communication.

What is false - verbal communication can include both spoken and written communication.


Name 3 types of non-verbal communication

What is:

facial expression, body posture, eye contact, gestures, space between people who are speaking, and/or pitch or tone of voice.


Conflict is a _________ part of life.

What is normal.


Tip of the iceberg

What is only a small part of the problem, and the biggest part of the problem is hidden.


Name 1 way you can develop empathy.

What is: 

active listening, trying to understand other perspectives, talking about others emotions and reactions, and discussing your own emotions and experiences.


Name 3 ways to actively listen.

What is:

Face the person who is speaking, look at the person who is speaking, ask follow up questions, make comments that connect to what they are saying, avoid distractions (ex - cell phone), and be mindful rather than thinking of other topics while they're speaking.


True or false: non-verbal communication can be both conscious and unconscious.

What is true.


Give an example of conflict with an adult and how you successfully resolved it.

What is:

home with a parent, school with a teacher, sports with a coach, job with a boss, etc.


Plenty of fish in the sea

What is there are lots of other options to choose from.


Imagine a friend in your class has just failed a major test. Your friend is distraught because they studied really hard and still failed. Even though you got a good grade on this test, you remember what it is like to fail. How could you show empathy in this situation?

What is making an empathetic statement like: "I'm so, so sorry about your grade. I know how hard you studied and how disappointed you must feel."


Give an example of a closed and an open question.

What is:

Closed - Do you like the weather today?

Open - What do you think about the weather today?


You see a friend in the cafeteria who is sitting far away from everyone else, and who has a red face, a frown, crossed arms, and a slouched posture.  What do you think they might be feeling? 

What is upset and/or angry and/or frustrated


A way to end a conflict where both you and the other person get some of what you want.

What is compromise.



What is a situation in where both options will lead to undesirable outcomes.


Imagine you have two friends who are fighting with one another and trying to put you in the middle of them.  How could you show empathy in this situation?

What is making an empathetic statement like: "I understand that you're both angry with each other right now and that must be really difficult."


If you see someone struggling to open a door and you ask them, "Do you want help?" and they reply by saying, "No thanks. I'm really enjoying the challenge", this is an example of ________.

What is sarcasm.


You're telling your friend a long story about your weekend and your friend keeps checking their watch and looking at the door. What do you think this means?

What is your friend has lost interest in the story, is bored, and/or is looking for their own chance to talk.


When a neutral third party assists the people in conflict through constructive discussion and negotiation of their issues in order to reach a mutually acceptable resolution it is called ____________.

What is mediation.


Jumped the shark

What is when something goes from being relevant to being over the top ridiculous.
