Lunch Room
Some one is tapping their pencil and it is bothering me, do I yell and scream or take deep breaths?
What is take deep breaths.
Someone asks me if I want to play basketball but I don't want to. Do I shove them away or say "no thank you"?
What is say "no thank you".
It is loud in the lunch room and you move into the yellow zone, should you run out of the lunch room or take deep breaths?
What is take deep breaths.
You have music today for specials but you don't like music. Should you refuse to go or should you focus on an activity that you like that's after music?
What is focus on an activity that you like!
Walking in the halls quietly is expected or unexpected?
What is expected behavior.
I want to ride on a swing but they are all full. Do I wait my turn quietly or throw rocks until someone gets off?
What is quietly wait my turn.
It is way too loud for you in the lunch room and you feel like you are moving to the red zone, should you scream and run out or should you ask an adult nicely if you can leave?
What is ask an adult nicely if you can leave.
You need to chose a partner for an activity in PE. Do you walk away because you don't want to to work with a partner or do you walk up to a friend and ask "Do you want to be my partner?"
What is ask someone if they want to be your partner.
Talking to your friends in the hallway is expected or unexpected.
What is unexpected behavior.
It is free reading time but you don't have a book in your basket, do you yell for help or ask the teacher nicely?
What is ask the teacher nicely.
I want to join a basketball game, do say "Hey let me play!" or do I say "Hey guys, could I join in?"
What is say "Hey guys, could I join in?"
Someone asks you a question while you are thinking about a movie, should you pause the movie and respond or should you ignore them?
What is pause the movie and respond.
The music is too loud during music class, do you run out of class or ask if you can use some headphones?
What is ask if you can use some headphones.
You need a break and are on your way to the quiet room, should you walk quietly on your way or yell on your way?
What is walk quietly on your way to the quiet room.
I have the answer to the question the teacher is asking. How do I share my answer?
What is raise my hand and wait to be called on.
Someone accidentally runs into me on the playground and they apologize, do I say "that's okay" or do I punch them in the arm?
What is say "that's okay".
You get to the lunch line and they're out of what you wanted to eat and have replaced it with a new option. Should you take deep breaths and take the other option or should you yell and scream because what you wanted is not there?
What is take deep breaths and take the other option.
Someone spills paint on your artwork, do you scream and hit them or take deep breaths and say "it's okay".
What is take deep breaths and say it's okay.
You accidentally run into someone, should you walk away without saying anything or say "I'm sorry"?
What is say "I'm sorry".
I get confused about what the teacher is talking about and start to feel frustrated. Do I take deep breaths and raise my hand for help or do I run out of the classroom?
What is raise my hand and ask for help.
The bell rings and recess is over, but you're not ready to go inside. Should you take a deep breath and look forward to the next recess? Or should you yell and scream and refuse to go inside?
What is take a deep breath and look forward to the next recess.
Someone is making a noise that really bothers you. Should you hit them to make them stop or say "That noise bothers me, could you please stop?"
What is say "That noise bothers me, could you please stop?"
You lose a game in PE, do you start yelling and crying or do you tell yourself "it's okay" and move on?
What is tell yourself "it's okay" and move on.
You are in the middle of the line and your friends are walking too slow. Do you push them to make them go faster, or squeeze your hands and walk patiently?
What is squeeze my hands and walk patiently.