Risk Taker
Smooth Operator
Dare Devil
Sly Fox
Hardworking Harry

Why is it important to ask for what you need at a job?

So you can be successful.


How should you handle a disagreement with a coworker?

Try to talk calmly and if you cannot come to a resolution quickly agree to discuss later or together with your boss.


If you need a day off, but your boss says you have to work that day, what should you do?

Ask your boss if you can get someone to cover your shift. 

If you asked to take an extra break because you are really tired from the weekend, but your boss says no, what would you do?

Stick it out, DO NOT take an extra break.

What would you do if want a raise?

Schedule a time to talk to your boss privately and be prepared to tell her why you think you deserve a raise. 


What would happen if someone at work asked you a question, but you ignored them?

If it was a customer, they might complain and you could get in trouble with your boss. If it was a co-worker they would think you are rude or upset with them and it could cause issues later. 


Name two reasons it is important to listen to instructions on the job?

To make sure you are safe and doing the job correctly.


When you have a question for your boss, but she is on the phone, what should you do?

Come back at a later time or leave a note for her to talk to you when she is off the phone. DO NOT stand and wait while your boss is on the phone, you should be working and the conversation could be private or take awhile. 


If you are short with a coworker and you think you have hurt their feelings, what should you do?

Apologize and make sure you are on good terms with your coworker.

What would you do if a coworker was talking about you behind your back?

Talk to the coworker outside of your working hours or ignore it. 

"It's none of your business what people say behind your back." 


Name two things that would help you stay on task at work.

Following a schedule, keeping your mind focused on the task in front of you, getting plenty of rest so you are ready to work, worrying only about you and the job you are doing


Why is it important to mind your own business at work?

You do not want to get sucked into the drama. You can get in trouble and will not enjoy your job as much. 


What should you do when a friend wants you to leave work early so you can make it to a movie on time?

Plan to go to a later movie or be late to the movie. Work is more important than a movie. 


If your boss asks you to do something that you do not know how to do, what should you do?

Tell your boss you don't know how to do it and ask for directions. 


What would you do if you were asked to clean the bathrooms at work every time you were scheduled?

Clean the bathrooms and find out if there is a schedule. If there isn't a schedule you could suggest making one. 


What would be the appropriate response if you were scheduled to work with the one person, liked the least?

Go to work with a good attitude. You might need to pep talk yourself before you go to work, but plan on having a good day. 

True or False If a customer is really rude, it's okay to say "whatever jerk" and walk away.
Unfortunately the answer is false

Name two people at a workplace you could ask for help.

Coworkers and your boss


How should you handle a disagreement with your boss?

Talk to your boss in private


What is a work appropriate tone of voice?

Calm and even toned 


Name three situations where you would need to ask permission to do something at work.

If you need an extra break, If you want to do something that is not in your job description, If you need to leave early, or If you need to keep your phone on you for a one time only emergency reason 


True or False It's okay to say something "sucks" at work if you're only talking to a few coworkers.



If you notice your coworker is doing something incorrectly, how could you correct them in an appropriate way?

Ask them if they need help or say something say "oh, I used to do it like that too, but I learned we are actually supposed to..."


If you made a mistake and your boss brought it to your attention and asked you to fix it, what would you do?

Fix it and if you are not sure ask how you should do it in the future. 


If you were upset with your boss, name one thing you could do to deal with the situation, appropriately.

Ask to speak to your boss in private AFTER you have calmed down.