you are in a group talking. someone asks you a question. what do you do? How might they feel if you do not respond?

show you are listening by responding to the question. They may feel like I am ignoring them if i don't respond.


You should not _______ when someone is talking

Interrupt/Be on your phone/talk/turn your head


You were talking to a friend but realize you are late for a meeting. How can you end the conversation politely?

Tell your friend that you really want to continue the conversation but you are running late. Ask them if you can catch up with them after your meeting.


While standing in line at the food court, how close should you be to the person in front of you?

At least an arm's length away/4-5 feet


You see a friend you haven't seen in a while, what is an appropriate way to greet them?

Walk over to them/Say hello/Wave. you can also ask, "how have you been?"


Two roles in a conversation

Speaker and listener 


Name an example of how you can let someone know you are listening to them

Ask a question/Nod head/Make eye contact

When is a good time to end a conversation?

When there is a pause/people stop talking/when someone looks disinterested

You are taking public transportation to a doctor's appointment. There are multiple seats left. Should you sit right next to the person speaking on their cell phone?

No, choose a different seat


What would NOT be appropriate when you see a classmate at the grocery store?

screaming loud and jumping up and down , pointing and shouting at them. ( now talk about the appropriate way).


When you are talking to someone, what should you do with your body?

Face the person/Make eye contact


When you join a group of people who are talking, how should you walk up to the group?

Quietly/Smiling/Don't Interrupt


True or False: If you want to end a conversation, you can just walk away without a word



What are examples of places/situations where it would be appropriate to stand close to your peers?

Birthday party/Talking to someone in a loud room/Concert


You are at StarBucks and see a new flavor that excites you and you want to try. You start to yell and jump up and down pointing at the new flavor.

Quietly tell the person you are with about the new flavor in an inside voice.


It's your turn to order at a restaurant but you haven't decided what you want to eat. What should you do?

Ask for suggestions/Ask waiter to come back in a few minutes if possible


Your neighbor is telling a great story about their last vacation. It reminds you of the last vacation you took and you want to share, but your neighbor isn't done talking. What do you do?

Wait until their story is over before talking about yours


True or False: You're at a party and decide to join a group of people standing around talking and having multiple conversations within the group. After a few minutes, you decide you would like to leave. You were not talking to anyone. It is okay to just walk away.

True, although you don't need to walk away completely silently, you can quietly indicate you're leaving with a quick little nod/wave gesture


If someone is backing up slowly from you during a conversation, what could this indicate? How should you react?

That they would like to end the conversation/You are too close/You may be making them uncomfortable

Ask if they need to leave/Give them space


Would if be appropriate if you arrived to class and see the other kids laughing and talking loudly- so you start to do the same so they can pay attention to you too?

No, you should still take a seat , while being quiet and get ready for class to start. that way you can also be a good example and help the teacher.

You see someone wearing a t-shirt with your favorite band on it, how can you start a conversation?

Compliment their shirt/Say you like that band, too/Ask about their music interests


What is the term for the kind of listening that requires either asking a question, making a comment or repeating what you heard?

Active Listening


After helping an elderly lady take her groceries to her car, she wants to talk about every part of her life with you, but you have to get to work. What should you do?

Tell her you would love to keep talking but must get to work/Thank her for sharing her personal experiences


During a global pandemic, such as COVID-19, how far should you distance yourself from others?

6 feet minimum 


You see a cute boy at the park and you want to say hi. what would be the correct response?

A. wait until he is close enough to see you and wave and say "hi"

B. jump up and down and scream out of excitement.

C. run over to him and hug him without asking first.
