Getting along with others
Recess is over but you really do not want to go to class. What should you do?
Be responsible and go back to class
How does it feel when someone around you is always complaining?
It does not feel good
A new student joined your class. She is getting her lunch together and she is about to go sit by herself in her desk. What should you do?
Ask her to join you and your friends and make her feel welcome
Your teacher passes you in the morning and says "good morning". What should you do?
Smile and say "good morning" back
Your friend is talking to you during class. You don't want to hurt her feelings but you really want to listen to the teacher and you don't want to get into trouble. What should you do?
Tell her nicely, Can we talk about this later? I really would like to hear what the teacher is saying
Sometimes our friends tell us something that they dont feel comfortable with other people knowing and they tell us not to tell anyone. When is it ok to let someone else know?
If they are in danger or are doing something unsafe

Someone says your artwork looks great but you don't think it is, what should you do?

Smile and say thank you

You get invited to a birthday but you can't go to it. How should you respond?
Thank the person for inviting you but politely tell her you don't think you will be able to make it.
The assignment your teacher gave out way way too easy for you. You finished it so quickly. Should you brag about it?
No! Its not nice to brag. Everyone takes their own time to do something. There is nothing wrong with doing something more slowly.
Is it OK for your friend to have other friends?
Of course it is!
Your singing a song at lunch and a few people ask you if you can please be quiet. There is no rule against singing in class. What should you do?
Stop singing

You are trying your best to read. The person next to you is making a lot of noise tapping their pencil. What can you do?

Ask them politely to stop.

You don't understand the math problem on your desk. You are getting very frustrated and feel like you want to rip it up. What should you do?
Ask for help

One of your friends tells you that you can't play with another student and if you do they won't be your friend anymore. What do you do?

Tell your friend that friends do not tell each other who they can be friends with. Remind that you can make your own choices about who you play with.


What is the difference between telling and tattling?

Telling is important if something is happening that is unsafe. Tattling is when you want to get someone in trouble.

You are waiting in line for something and its going really slow. What should you do?
Wait patiently
Your friend raises her hand and answers the teachers question with the wrong answer. Do you say something to her? Do you laugh?
No! You let the teacher tell her. And you definitely do not laugh!
Your friend has been ignoring you all day. What should you do?
Go over to her when shes alone and ask her if shes upset about something.
You and your friend want to play a board game together but you each want to play a different game. What should you do?
Take turns

You see a classmate eating a snack that you have never seen before. You do not like the way it looks or smells. What should you do?

Ask politely what it is, if you are curious. Do not make any comments about your opinions about it. 
