Topic Radar
Drivers and Stoppers
Sharing a Conversation

Name 2 possible social greetings

Hey! Hi there. What's up? Hello. Good morning. 


Name an interest of someone in this group

Answers vary...

-Video games, baking, cats, outdoor activities, the library, working etc.


What is an example of a conversation driver?

Eye contact, asking follow-up questions, making connected comments, staying on topic, sharing the conversation equally.....


Conversation Share refers to the amount of time one spends talking during the conversation. We should split the amount of time we talk __________.

Equally or 50/50


This is Mrs. Schultz your principal. What could you say to greet her in the hall?

Good morning!

Hello, Principal Schultz. 

Hi, Mrs. Schultz. How are you?


Does Justin look interested in this topic of conversation? How can you tell?

No. He is looking down at his iPad. Rachel could think about something they both like and bring up another topic, like art class.


What is an example of a conversation stopper? 

Looking away, one-word responses, interrupting, off-topic responses, ....


How did Leah feel when Zach didn't share the conversation equally?

She felt annoyed and frustrated she wasn't able to talk at all.


How can you greet someone or start a conversation with a gesture?



How can you tell if someone doesn't want to talk about a certain topic? What body language would they show?

They may not be saying too much. They also may be turned away, have their head down, or aren't making eye contact.


Tony and Marcus are walking to the bus stop. Tony says, “I’m always so tired in the morning.” Marcus comments, “Me too. I stayed up too late last night playing video games.”

Did Marcus drive or stop the conversation?

Marcus drove the conversation by making a connected comment


About how many sentences should we use per conversational turn:

A. 8-10 sentences

B. 1-3 sentences

C. 1 word

B. 1-3 sentences


Why wasn't Sarah successful when she started a conversation with the group?

She didn't consider they were busy working on a project. It wasn't the best time to start a conversation.


Make a comment or ask a question about the topic:

English Class

Who is your English teacher?

I just turned in my autobiography for English.

Did you finish One of Us is Lying?

I have 3rd period English.


Mrs. Rockett walks up to Ms. Campe and says, "How was your weekend?" Ms. Campe replies, "Good". What should Ms. Campe say next to drive the conversation?

"How was your weekend?"


Mrs. Bustami is asking all her students about what they are doing after school. Jake goes on for 5 minutes about what his plans are for tonight. Mrs. Bustami and the rest of the class just nod along while the other students wait for a turn. How is Jake showing poor conversation skills?

Jake is doing all the talking and is not sharing the conversation.


Initiate, or start, a conversation with someone from the other team!


Why is it important to use the topic radar?

It helps us think of what to talk about. If we always talk about the same topics or only our favorites, it can make others feel bored or annoyed.


David and Christine are having a conversation. Christine is actively listening. David brings up the topic of his new dog. Christine interrupts to share that she always wanted a dog. What did Christine do to stop the conversation?

Christine interrupted David while he was talking.


Why is it important to share the conversation and give others a chance to talk?

Letting others have the chance to share shows we care about what they have to say. It makes other people feel good.
