character traits
what would you do...
grab bag

showing care and courtesy towards others and their things

what is respect


Someone at school is annoying you and won't stop. you would...

what is walk away / tell a teacher / ask for a break

George is starting at a new school next week and is worried he won't fit in. George is feeling this emotion.

what is nervous or anxious


Choosing to act in ways that benefit everyone

what is citizenship


being accountable for what you say and do

what is responsibility


An assignment is really hard and you don't want to do it. you should...

what is ask for a break / ask for help/ use perseverance and keep trying


sally is going to an amusement park with her friends this weekend. Sally is feeling this emotion.

what is excited or happy


you should do this if someone is making you feel uncomfortable

what is tell an adult / ask for help / ask them to stop


being kind to others

what is compassion


someone online starts asking you questions like how old are you, where do you live, what school do you go to. you should...

what is block them / don't give them personal information / tell an adult


Tom is frustrated his mom keeps telling him to clean his room when it is his brother's mess. His mom just took away his video games. Tom is feeling this emotion.

what is angry


recognizing and showing appreciation for our differences

what is acceptance


doing what you are supposed to do even when no one is looking

what is integrity


you are very angry and frustrated. you should...

what is use a coping skill / take a deep breath / ask for a break


Sam is getting made fun of in class, now his best friend said he doesn't want to come over this weekend. Sam is feeling this emotion

what is sad


a new student started in your class today. you should ...

what is introduce yourself / invite them to sit by you / ask them what their name is


never giving up and working hard

what is perseverance


you are playing basketball and a member of the other team is being a poor sport. he starts to say you are cheating and then pushes you. you should ...

What is walk away / be a good sport anyway / keep playing nicely / ignore / tell an adult

Tina spilled milk all over herself at lunch. when she got up to get some paper towels she tripped and fell down in front of everyone. Tina is feeling.

what is embarrassed or sad


something has been bothering you. you have been sad and not feeling like yourself but you aren't sure why. you are embarrassed to tell but don't know how to make it better on your own. you should ...

what is tell a trusted adult / talk to your parents / ask to talk to a counselor / tell a teacher
