
Nate is telling Brayden about his pet fish that died, he is sad. How could Brayden respond?

-"Sorry for your loss, how can I help you?"

-"What can I do for you?"

-Try to distract Nate by doing a fun activity.


You texted your friend to meet up at the mall, but they haven't replied for 20 minutes. What do you do?

Give them at least an hour to respond, and if they don't, send a follow up message.


How can you show empathy to someone who has experienced a loss? (example: dog passed away)

Send them a card, give them a huge, send them a nice message, flowers,etc.


You ask someone on a date. They say "no." Should you ask them again?

No, you have to respect that answer and have boundaries.


Jackson is sad that because he didn't think he did well at his latest job interview. 

What could you say to help him stay positive?

"I bet you did great!", "Don't get down on yourself!" "It's ok to feel that way, but I bet you were fantastic."


What is one way to show active listening?

A. Eye contact

B. Falling asleep

C. Plugging your ears

A. Eye contact


TRUE OR FALSE: Brayden was trying to call Jackson to tell him about the new movie in theaters. Jackson did not answer, so Brayden called him 50 more times. It is ok to keep calling someone, even if they don't answer.

FALSE: If someone does not answer, do not call them more than once. Leave a voicemail and be patient for a call back.


TRUE OR FALSE: When your friend gets a piece of good news, you should feel happy and excited for them.



One of your friends keeps invading your personal space. How can you let them know about your boundaries?

"I've noticed you keep coming into my space, can you please give me some boundaries and room?"

How can you remain positive in a tough situation?

-Keep a gratitude journal

-Keep an open mind

-Self-Care (journaling, music, exercise)

-Get enough sleep

-Spend time with people you love


What do you do when you don't like talking about a certain subject?

A. Tell the talker, "this is a hard subject for me. Can we talk about something else?"

B. Run away.

C. Tell the talker to be quiet.

A. Tell the talker, "this is a hard subject for me. Can we talk about something else?"


Nate has been waiting for his ice cream sundae for 20 minutes. He is growing very frustrated. He storms up to the cashier and DEMANDS for his ice cream sundae. What could Nate do differently?

-Ask politely about his sundae, "I've been waiting here for awhile, do you happen to know if my sundae is ready?"


"Why are you so upset your rabbit died? You knew it was only going to a live a few years when you bought it." 

Is this an example of empathy?

No, empathy is when you can connect to others feelings and show support.


Brayden keeps texting Nate at 2:00 am. Every night, this wakes Nate up. What could Nate tell Brayden?

"Brayden, I see you keep texting me at 2:00 am. It keeps waking me up. Can you please not text me that late, or wait until morning?"


Your brother is crying over a bad grade on a test. How can you help him remain positive?

-"The next one will be better!"

-"You did your best."

-"Nobody's perfect! It happens to everyone."


TRUE OR FALSE: It is important to talk about subjects that you aren't interested in, because it is respectful for the other person.

TRUE: Even if you don't enjoy a particular subject, you can still be respectful and listen.


You're trying on a pair of shoes at the mall, when someone comes up to you and says, "Are you done yet? I want to try those shoes on."

What could you say?

"I'm not done yet, can you give me 10 more minutes? Thanks for your patience."


Nate is eating at Buffalo Wild Wings. His food comes out late and is cold. Nate notices how busy the staff are. What should Nate say?

"Excuse me, I know you're busy, but I was wondering if you could warm up my food when you have time."


Jackson keeps belching at the TLC lunch table and does not say 'excuse me'. Brayden does not like to hear this noise. What could Brayden do?

Brayden could have a conversation with Jackson about how it bothers him when Jackson belches excessively, and come up with a plan to solve the problem.


Your friend says, "Gosh, I'm such an idiot." What do you say?

Have a conversation about why they feel that way, and tell them about their good qualities. Help them remain positive about themself.


How do you respond?

Have a conversation about why they feel that way, and ask how you can be a better active listener to them.

Brayden owes Jackson $20. It has been 2 weeks, and Brayden still hasn't paid back Jackson. What could Jackson do?

Jackson could say, "Brayden I have been patient with you, but you still haven't paid me back yet. I'm wondering when you can pay me back?"


A co-worker is very stressed at work with a lot of work piling up. You want to be empathetic towards them, what can you do?:

A. Tell them to come in on the weekend to get more work done

B. Bring in donuts for them on Monday and ask how you can help

C. Tell the co-worker to suck it up and work harder

B. Bring in donuts and ask how you can help


TRUE OR FALSE: If someone keeps sending you hateful messages, it is ok to respect your boundaries and block their phone number.



Your basketball team lost, and you feel defeated. How can you remain positive with your team?

-Have a team meeting

-Focus on the good things you did

-Have a plan for the next game

-Give words of encouragement
