Greet a friend using their name.
"Hi, _____. How are you?"
Name this sign.
Is she being responsible?
You made a new friend at school and would like to get together over the weekend. How can you ask a friend to hang out?
"Do you want to meet at the park this weekend?" "Can I have your number so I can call you?"
What should you do if you see this sign?
Stop and wait.
Is he being respectful?
Your teacher asks you to do something, but you don't understand. What should you do?
Tell them "I don't understand. Can you help me?"
Name this sign.
Use a level 1 or 2 voice, wear your mask appropriately, clean up after yourself.
Your friend is upset. What could you say to them?
"I see you are upset. Are you okay?"
Name this sign.
Pedestrian Crossing
How can you be safe in the classroom?
Walk, keep your hands and feet to yourself, wear your mask, stay 6 feet apart.
Your family cooks you dinner. Give them a compliment or thank them.
"This dinner tastes really good. Thank you for making dinner."
What should you do if you see this sign?
Stop. Do not enter.
How can you be responsible in the classroom?
Follow directions, complete your work, come to class prepared.