Your brain houses all of your thoughts and _________.
What are emotions?
Your brain sends ______ throughout your body to do all of your activities.
What is directions?
Another name for your Thinking Brain is ________.
What is Smart?
Your Survival Brain helps keep you _______.
What is safe or healthy?
Your Smart Brain helps you _______.
What is learn?
By using the Thinking, or Smart Brain, you will be able to think _______ you act.
What is before?
The Thinking, or Smart Brain asks, "What can I _______ from this?"
What is learn?
The Survival Brain asks, "Am I ________?
What is safe?
The Emotional Brain asks, "What do I _______ right now?"
What is feel?
The Emotional Brain is very _________.
What is powerful?
The Thinking, or Smart Brain is located in the ______ lobe.
What is frontal?
The Survival Brain manages your ____________.
What is heart and lungs?
The Survival Brain is located in the ___________.
What is brain stem?
If your brain recognizes you are under threat, it mobilizes you to either _______ or _______.
What is fight or flight?
The 3 main parts of your brain are _________, _________, and _________.
If you use your Thinking, or Smart Brain, you can make good _______.
What is decisions?
The 3 types of responses in situations are _______, _______, and _______.
What is fight, flight, and freeze?
The Emotional Brain will _______ your ability to make rational decisions.
What is block?
The emotional part of your brain is located deep within the _______ mid-part of your brain.
What is lower?
When your amygdala is triggered by intense emotions, what happens?
What is You stop thinking logically and act out?
The Emotional Brain is illogical and ___________.
What is irrational?
When you stop thinking logically and act out, you have ____________.
What is flipped your lid?
The amygdala is a small _______ inside your Emotional Brain.
What is organ?
The _______ represents your amygdala.
What is thumb?
If you experience continuous threats/trauma, your brain will tell your body to remain in a __________ state of fear.