Emotional Skills
Coping Skills
Communication Skills

Your Phone or Tablet stops working in the middle of a lesson!  Ahhhh!  You feel yourself getting stressed (what does that feel like?). What should you do?

Raise your hand.  Let your teacher know what happened.

Wait patiently for a time to ask for help.

Stay calm.  This is still a small problem. (rate it on a scale of 1-5).


How can you show support to a friend who is having a really bad day?

You can listen to them, offer support, try to cheer them up.


What are positive coping skills?

skills or actions you use to help manage your emotions. (examples: deep breathing, going on a walk, listening to music, writing in a journal, talking to friend, walking away)


When you are in a conversation with someone, how can you let someone know that you have heard them?

Ask a question or make a comment (QAC)


Your best friend told you something that they asked you to keep private.  How do you work it out?

You should respect their privacy and not gossip about it.


Your friend is angry with you for not playing with them at recess.  What can you do to solve this problem?

Apologize, say you are sorry.   


What can you do if your teacher tells you to correct your work, but it makes you feel sad or angry that you did it wrong?

Ask if you can take a break/drink of water, take deep breaths, then tell yourself you can make the corrections (use self-talk).  Accept the feedback that was given to you.  


True or False.  When someone says you did something wrong they are being mean.

False- most of the time when someone tells you that you have done something wrong they are only trying to help you.  


What are some coping skills to use when you are feeling stressed or upset?

Take some breaths, exercise, listen to music, color, draw, change the channel, watch a video (if at home), punch a pillow, etc.


People are picking on your friend at recess because he isn't good at playing soccer.  What should you do?

Stand up for your friend by telling him it is okay, and hang out with your friend.


What can you do if you are feeling frustrated?

Talk to a team member/friend, teacher or parent.

Self-talk, deep breaths, take a break, etc.


What are some qualities of an effective communicator?

Speak clearly, use accurate language, good eye contact, and good listening skills.

How might someone feel if they have done something wrong and they know it was wrong?



You feel like your friend may be upset with you, but you aren't sure why.  He/ she just doesn't seem to be hanging out with you as much.  What can you do?

You can politely ask your friend what is upsetting them.

You can try to cheer your friend by doing something they like


A friend has said something that hurts your feelings. What can you do?

Tell them how you feel with a nice voice and explain why. 

You may also ask if you have hurt them sometime in the past


Sometimes we can have sad feelings. What should you do when you feel sad at school? 

Ask to take a break, give yourself some alone time, take deep breaths, understand what is making you sad and talk to a trusted adult or friend.


You are working slower than your classmates or teacher is.  Your teacher moves on to the next problem, and you are not ready to move on.  How do you feel?  

What should you do?

You feel rushed, anxious, stressed.

You can:

Shift and move on to the next one.  You can always go back to finish up the problem that isn't complete 


Finish the one you are working on, and then ask a classmate or your teacher to help you catch up.


You are having a hard time at school learning something new.  It is a really hard material.  What is something you can do to help calm yourself down?

Take deep breaths, talk with someone about how you are feeling, ask a friend for help, take a walk to calm down, think of something that makes you happy


What is the best way to deal with a classmate who won't stop talking to you during learning time?

Let the student know you can't talk now, as you are trying to listen to the teacher.   (show both verbally and non-verbally)

Tell them you can talk with them more at lunch or recess.


Why is it important to show expected behaviors in the classroom?

The expected behavior in the class creates a healthy classroom culture and it helps you and your classmates maximum learning.
