What do I do every night before I go to bed and when I wake up in the morning?
Brush Teeth
Should I be touching a classmate during class?
Hands to yourself
What is the correct way to act when I am frustrated?
Tell a staff respectfully, ask for a break
What do you say when you need to get by someone?
Excuse me
What do I do when I don't understand the task/my job?
Ask for help & clarification
What do I put on every morning?
Clean clothes
Where should I keep my Hands?
Hands to myself
How should I act at lunch?
Sit and eat quietly, keep conversations appropriate
What should your response be to:
Could you please pick up that colored pencil (even if it is not yours)?
Sure, I got it!
What should I do if the teacher is talking with someone else and I have a question?
Raise your hand and wait quietly
Why should our shoes be on in school?
If there is a fire drill, not having my shoes on would be dangerous
What do I do when I am asked to do something I do not want to do?
Be calm & okay with it. Maybe you can someone to do it with you!
What if my school work is frustrating me?
Ask for help/Ask questions
Ask to take a short break
What do you say if someone tries to talk to you during class time/when you're busy?
Tell them your trying to focus & that we can talk at lunch
What are 3 good coping skills for when youre angry
Break, Get water, Take a walk, Call home, Sleep, etc.
Should I lay or roll on the floor?
Only if you're playing a game that requires you to do so
What do I do if I find something that does not belong to me?
Give it to the teacher to try to get it back to the owner
What if someone says something bad about your appearance?
Tell them that wasn't nice of them to say and then move on to something new.
What should you do if your friend makes you upset?
1.. Talk to your friend about it & try to resolve it
2. Ask a staff member for help resolving it
When can you take someone else's food?
If you ask for permission & they say yes
What do I do if someone is called on and they are struggling with the answer and I know the right answer?
Give them a chance, keep your hand raised.
How should I speak to others?
Nicely & respectfully
What do I do when I have a disagreement with a classmate?
Take a break from the situation & try to resolve it later when you are calm and if it is still bothering you (possibly ask a staff member for help!)