What number is Jackie Robinson?
How Many eighths black was Homer?
True or False. Rosa Parks was the first person to get arrested from sitting on a bus?
When was Martin born?
January 15, 1929.
What is Ruby's favorite color?
Purple is her favorite color.
What team did Jackie play for?
Brooklyn, Dodgers.
How many years was this after the civil war?
17 Years
What was she going home from?
Where did MLK jr give his "I Have A Dream Speech"?
Lincoln Memorial in Washington.
How many federal marshals escorted Ruby to school?
Four federal marshals.
What year did he join the MLB?
Why did Homer get arrested?
Sitting in a whites only train car.
How old was Claudette when she was arrested?
What year did MLK jr die?
What did the kids do when Ruby entered the building?
They left the School.
Who was Jackie's manager?
Branch Rickey.
What year did he get arrested?
Tuesday, June 7, 1892.
What year did Claudette get arrested?
Ho old was MLK jr when he gave "I Had A Dream Speech?
34 years old.
How old was Ruby when she went to a all whites school?
Six years old.
What year did Jackie Robinson win the World Series?
Separate but equal what amendment did that violate?
The thirteenth and fourteenth amendment.
Where did Claudette Colvin live? Two Answers.
New York and Montgomery.
Where did MLK Jr die?
Standing on a balcony outside his second-floor room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee.
On November 14, 1960.