What is a suburb community?
A community just outside of the city, where people live in neighborhoods with individual houses or small apartments
Name types of animals that could be seen as livestock on a farm
Any of the following: Cows, Horses, Pigs, Chickens, Roosters, Goats,etc.
What is the definition of a subway?
Trains that usually run underground.
traffic jams that happens in urban communities where many intersections are unable to move.
Which types of communities are most likely to have apartments and which ones are most likely to have homes?
Rural- homes
Suburb- can have both
What type of community is most known for having farm land?
A rural community
What is a skyscraper?
Very tall buildings
What is the definition of Urban?
What is the main source of transportation in suburban and rural neighborhoods.
What is the definition of livestock?
Farm animals that are kept for use or raised to sell
What are the three different types of community?
Rural, urban, and suburban
What are two examples of public transportation in urban communities?
Subways and buses
Name one reason someone would want to live in a suburban place and one reason they would not.
See judge
Name one reason someone would want to live in a rural place and one reason they would not
Answers may vary; see judge
What is the definition of a community?
A place where people live, work, and have fun together.
Name one reason someone would want to live in an urban place and one reason they would not.
Answers may vary; see judge