What is one theory about HOW the early people migrated form Asia to the Americas?
The Early People migrated by boat.
What was one purpose of the mounds built by the Mound Builders?
To honor animal spirits
What did the Inuit hunt?
Whales, walruses, seals
What developed as a result of the Mayan study of the sun, moon, stars, and planets?
They invented the calendar.
What did the Aztecs and Inca have in common?
They created their empire through conquests.
What is one theory about WHY early people migrated from Asia to the Americas.
The early people followed the Woolly Mammoth across the Bering Strait.
What does the fact that the Mound Builders were able to build such enormous structures tell us about them?
It tells us they are organized.
What are kivas and what are they used for?
Underground rooms which only men are allowed in; used for religious ceremonies.
How were the Maya successful and what resulted from their success?
They were successful farmers so they grew surplus.
What did the Inca develop that we use now?
What was the Early Americans source of food and what else was it used for?
The Woolly Mammoth. It was also used for clothes, shelters, and spears.
What did the Mound Builders farm?
How did the Anasazi become successful farmers in the desert?
They used irrigation
What led the Maya to excel in basket weaving, jewelry making, math and other skills?
Surplus, or more food than needed, gave the people time to practice other skills.
What are some ways that the Aztecs farmed?
They used floating gardens and terraces.
How can you describe what happened to the early people when the large Ice Age animals died out?
They needed to find new food sources so they gathered plants that grew wild, such as berries and grains.
What did the Mound Builders mine?
obsidian, seashells, copper, mica
Where do the Inuit make their homes?
across the frozen lands near the Arctic Ocean
Where were Mayan kings buried?
Which group had the fastest communication system?
The Inca
What was the effect of agriculture on the way of life of the early people?
It made it possible for them to settle in one place.
What are the three main groups of the Mound Builders?
Adena, Hopewell, Mississippians
What crops did the Anasazi grow?
corn, squash, beans, pumpkins
What skills did the Maya specialize in?
Basket weaving, stone carving, jewelry making, mathematics, writing
Which group lived in Present-day Peru?
The Inca