Need or Want?
Opportunity Cost?
Making Choices About Money
Producer or Consumer?

Which of the following is a want?

     house         swimming pool          food         coat


What is a benefit?

a. a good result from a choice you make.

b. the thing you give up when you make a choice

a. a good result from a choice you make

What is savings?

a. to keep your money to use later

b. money that you do not spend right away

b. money that you do not spend right away


Someone who makes or grows the goods that consumers want is _______.

a. a consumer

b. a service worker

c. a producer

d. a resource

c. a producer


Which picture shows a need?

                      fruit bowl         skates       soccer ball       kite


What is an opportunity cost?

a. a good result from a choice you make.

b. the thing you give up when you make a choice

b. the thing you give up when you make a choice


What is save?

a. to keep your money to use later

b. money that you do not spend right away

a. to keep your money to use later


Someone who buys goods is ________.

a. a consumer

b. a service worker

c. a producer

d. a resource

a. a consumer


What is a want?

a. Things we must have to live.

b. Things that we would like to have, but do not need to live.

B. Things that we would like to have, but do not need to live. 


Look at the chart. If you choose the trip to the park, what is the opportunity cost?

Board game


When you borrow money from the bank, it is called a ________.

a. service

b. tax

c. loan

d. savings account

c. loan

Producer or Consumer?



What is a need?

a. Things that we would like to have, but do not need to live.

b. Things we must have to live. 

B. Things we must have to live


Look at the chart. Which would be a benefit if you buy the game?

a. You can play outside

b. You can ride your bike. 

C. You can use the game for a long time

D. You spend $10 on the game

C. You can use the game for a long time


You have enough money to go to the movies or to buy a book. You choose to go to the movies over buying a book.

What is the opportunity cost?

a. go to the movies

b. buying a book

b. buying a book


Producer or Consumer?



What are the three (3) basic needs people want?

Food, clothing, and shelter


You have enough money to go to the movies or to buy a book. You choose to go to the movies over buying a book.

What is the opportunity cost?

a. go to the movies

b. buying a book

b. buying a book


Savannah has been trying to buy a new iPad so she can watch TikTok for a year. She has $148, and the iPad she wants is $146. Should she save or spend her money?

Spend. She has enough money to buy the iPad


Look at the flow chart. What happens in the third step

a. The woman makes lemonade.

b. The woman sells the lemonade to a consumer

c. The woman picks lemons

d. The woman drinks the lemonade

b. The woman sells the lemonade to a consumer
