What limited British naval power on Great lakes
What is.... Rush Bagot Treaty
Andrew Jackson called the election of 1824 the...
What is...."Corrupt Bargain"
Jackson rewarded supporters with goverment jobs.
What is....Spoil system?
Ecomny collapsed and people starting calling Martin Van Buren
What is.... Martin Van Ruin
It lowered shipping costs
What is.... The Erie Canal
Pride in nation
What is.... nationalism?
Henery Clay hoped to benefit from John Adams winning...
So he would become vice president
Informational advisors who provided advice for Jackson in the White House kitchen.
What is....Kitchen Cabinet
States printed to much paper money because....
What is...Andrew Jackson gave money to state banks that didn't comunicate
Loyalty to region over nation
What is....sectionalism
John Adams negotiated what to prevent a war with Spain?
What is.... Adams-onis Treaty
Won the the popular vote but didn't win the election.
Who was....Andrew Jackson
Southerners threatened the nullify this law.
What is.... Tariff of Abominations
Prices rose/money lost its value
What is....Inflation
Set the border between USA and Canada at 49 degrees N. Latitude
What is....Convention of 1818
Speaker of the house of representatives.
Who is....Henry Clay
State power should be greater than deral power/states could nullify federal law.
What is.... States' Rights doctrine
He won the election of 1837
Who is....Martin Van Buren
Warned european nations to avoid colonizing with Americans.
What is.... Monroe Doctrine
Manufacturing/strong federal government
What is....Whig party
Indian removal act ending up creating the...
What is....The Trail of Tears
Andrew Jackson threw him under the bus to make it seem like it wasn't his fault.
Who is....Martin Van Buren