Articles of Confederation
John Adams/Thomas Jefferson
War of 1812
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West Expansion
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Civil War and Beyond

The leaders of the US wanted a strong central government because...

What is they didn't want to have a tyrant like what the British had


The 3/5 compromise

What is a compromise that made slaves count for 3/5 of a person for representation and taxes


XYZ Affair

What is an event where French ministers ask for bribes to talk negotiation and they go by names X, Y & Z


Who wrote The Star Spangled Banner

What is Francis Scott Key


The Indian Removal Act

What is an act in 1830 that removed all Native Americans


The Missouri Compromise, 36'30 line & Oregon Trail

What is a compromise where Missouri would enter as a slave state and Maine would become a free state

What is a line that caused North to be free state while the South would be slave states

What is a 2000 mile line that extends into Oregon


Sectionalism and its three primary regions?

What is loyalty to a region or state but not to the whole nation, three primary nations were north, south and west


Speech given by Abraham Lincoln to free all slaves

What is the Emancipation Proclamation


This white man was a leader of a revolt that went to raid an armory for weapons, he was hanged shortly later

What is John Brown & his raid on Harper Ferry


This convention was intended to revise the AOC but ended up making a new constitution.

What is the Constitutional Convention


This weakness of the AOC caused foreign shippers to do this

What is congress couldn't impose taxes, so foreign shippers sent their goods to places that didn't have tariffs


The first president and vice-president of the United States

The first president wanted to be ? with all other European nations

What is George Washington & John Adams



Manifest Destiny

What is the idea that it is the divine right for Americans to settle the entire continent from ocean to ocean



What is identification with one’s own nation and supporting its interests


In the Trail of Tears, the US moved around ? people of ? by gunpoint around 800 miles

What is 18,000, Cherokee


The Pacific Railway Act of 1862

What is an act where the US gave out land to railway workers to help complete the project


The reason Irish immigrants left to America

What is a potato famine causing poverty


This person published the Liberator to push for anti-slavery

What is William Garrison Llyod


This person assassinated President Lincoln at the Ford Theater and 12 days later was caught and killed

What is John Wilks Booth


Sharecropping & Black Codes?

What is a legal arrangement where a landowner allows a tenant to use their land in exchange for a share of the crops produced

What is an attempt from southern leaders that would try to put slaves back into slavery


A rebellion caused as a result of ?. The government had no power to fight back.

What is Shay's Rebellion, led by farmer Daniel Shays in 1786-1787, a series of attacks on courthouses as a result of unfair taxes


The Bill of Rights and what it did

The first 10 amendments to the Constitution which prevented taking away rights from citizens


The Alien & Sedition Acts

What is an act that authorized the deporting or detaining of "aliens" if they were deemed dangerous

What is an act that made it illegal to criticize the President or Congress, made Adams unpopular and he wasn't re-elected next term


The War Hawks

What is a group of men from the South and West that pushed for war because they were being attacked and their businesses were hurt


The 13th, 14th and 15th amendments

What is 13th-abolishing slavery, 14th-grants citizenship to anybody born in America, 15th-gives all men the right to vote


The Homestead Act of 1862

What is an act where any adult US citizen could claim 160 acres of land if they agreed to grow it and not fight against the government


The five primary classes in the South

What is rich planters, small white farmers, landless whites, free African Americans and over 6 million slaves


Fredrick Douglass & Harriet Tubman

What is a former slave who became one of the leaders for abolishing slavery

What is a former slave who led many slave expeditions in her time


Dred Scott vs Sanford case, and the name of the court case that made segregation legal

What is a court case where slave Scott sued his owner for freedom, but the judge ruled that he was property thus could not sue

What is Plessy vs Ferguson


The Whiskey Rebellion

What is a rebellion caused by farmers being forced to pay taxes on whiskey decline, and was put down by the government now that they had power


Three of the powers granted and denied by the AOC to the central government.

Powers granted-Declare war and make peace, establish an army and navy, print and borrow money, make treaties with foreign countries

Powers denied-Couldn't raise funds for an army, couldn't tax, no executive branch to enforce laws, no power to control trade among states


The Federalists supported ?, believed in a power balance between ?, and believed ? was unnecessary

The Anti-federalists supported ?, believed ? should have more power and wanted a ?

What is a strong central government, power balance between state and national governments, thought Bill of Rights was unnecessary

What is a weak central government, states, Bill of Rights


The first Supreme Court Justice in 1801 appointed by John Adams who staid for 34 years

What is John Marshall


Monroe Doctrine

US threatens and bans Europeans from colonizing in the US and agrees to stay neutral if so


Lincoln's Plan

What is a plan where 10% of people would have to sign a loyalty oath, slavery is banned and amnesty (forgiveness) to all except the leaders of the Confederacy


The Gadsen Purchase

What is a purchase where the US gained parts of the US and New Mexico for $10 million


The Cotton Gin was invented by ?, changed ?, and caused ?

What is Eli Whitney, the process of harvesting cotton, increased slave counts


The anti-immigrant movement, what caused it, and who caused it and their party

What is a movement that made it hard for immigrants to become American citizens because they didn't want them to steal their jobs, lead by nativists in the Know Nothing Party

The four primary causes of the Civil War

What is state rights, slavery, tariffs & sectionalism


Sojourner Truth

What is a former slave who traveled and preached women's rights and of ending slavey


Two accomplishments of the AOC were...

What is negotiated the Treaty of Paris in 1783 & established the Northwest Ordinance which allowed for new states to join and be on equal footing with other states


All three branches of the government and how long they serve for

What is the legislative branch, senators serve for 6 years while reps serve for 2 years, they make laws

What is the executive branch, president & vice-president serve for 4 years

What is the judicial branch, judges serve for life unless impeached


Marbury vs Madison

What is the case that created Judicial Review, which allowed the courts to determine the constitutionality of laws


The war of 1812 was between ? and was caused by ?, ? and ?

What is US and England, restrictions on American trade, impressment of US sailors that were forced into the navy, Britain inciting Indians to attack on the western frontier


In the Louisiana Purchase, the US originally wanted the port of ? but then ? negotiated with Napoleon for the land west of Mississippi River and they got ? square miles west for ? dollars because ?

What is New Orleans, James Monroe, 828k, 15 million, they needed money because France was at war


Compromise of 1850

What is a compromise where California would become a free state and slave trade would have to end in Washington DC in exchange for a stronger Fugitive Slave Act


Give a short description of each main region

North-richest region with factories, banks & merchants

South-mostly rural, least industrious and educated

West-most democratic, seen as an opportunity for the common man


All three reform movements

Temperance movement-bans hard liquor because they linked alcohol abuse to poverty, abuse and crime

Prism reform-wanted to have children or mentally handicapped people placed in juvenile facilities and mental institutions

Education Reform-wanted every child to have a chance for a quality education nor matter their wealth


The two main objectives for the North and South to win

North-What is the Anaconda Plan, where they'd take control of the Mississippi River and attack the capital of the Confederacy in Richmond, Virginia

South-Keep the war in South and draw it out as long as possible


The Great Compromise

What is a hybrid of both New Jersey's and Virginia's plans, a bicameral legislature with the representatives in the House of Representatives being based on population and the senate having equal representation for all states
