Definitions #6 + People #1
People #2
People #3
People #4
People #5

compare Rome's 12 tables to the US constitution

a knight who promised to support a lord in exchange for land



What are they most known for in history? Major accomplishments?

-Hammurabi and his special code

a brilliant war leader, monarch of a huge empire called the Babylonian Empire, oversaw many building and irrigation projects, improved Babylonian's tax system, most famous for his code of laws

Hammurabi's code was a set of 282 laws that dealt with almost every part of life


What are they most known for in history? Major accomplishments?

- King David

King after Saul, slayed Goliath, admired for his military skills and poetry; many Psalms attributed to him, defeated the Philistines, established the capital of Israel in Jerusalem


What are they most known for in history? Major accomplishments?

- Euclid

mathematician, interested in geometry, some of his geometry ideas still exist today


What are they most known for in history? Major accomplishments?

- Gaius Marius 

encouraged poor to join army, thousands of poor and unemployed joined army, good general, gained more political power, began a Civil War with another politician named Lucius Cornelius Sulla, Sulla defeated Marius, Sulla named himself dictator and used that power to punish enemies


refers to the shape and elevation of land in a region

someone who works to spread religious beliefs




What are they most known for in history? Major accomplishments?


a leader who rose to power in upper egypt, he united the two regions of upper and lower egypt, married a princess from lower egypt to strengthen his control and wore the white crown for upper egypt and the red crown for lower egypt. later he combined both crowns to create a double crown.


What are they most known for in history? Major accomplishments?

- Solomon

David's son, took throne, expanded kingdom and made near by kingdoms including Egypt and Phoenicia, his allies, the allies made Israel very rich, with the riches Solomon built a great Temple to God in Jerusalem


What are they most known for in history? Major accomplishments?


Plato's student, taught that people should live lives of moderation, or balance, thought that moderation was based on reason or clear and ordered thinking, also made advances in the field of logic, the process of making inferences, Aristotle's ideas helped inspire many later Greek scientists


What are they most known for in history? Major accomplishments?

-Lucius Cornelius Sulla

politician who began civil war with Marius, in end he defeated Marius and named himself dictator and used that power to punish enemies


a deadly plague that swept through Europe between 1347 and 1351

The Black Death


What are they most known for in history? Major accomplishments?

- Khufu

the most famous pharaoh of the old kingdom, 


What are they most known for in history? Major accomplishments?

- Aesop

famous for his fables, in most of his fables animals are the character


What are they most known for in history? Major accomplishments?


student of Socrates, a teacher and philosopher, Plato created a school called an Academy to which students, philosophers, and scientists could discuss ideas, also ran Academy, wrote many works and one called The Republic, argued society should be run by philosophers


What are they most known for in history? Major accomplishments?


emperor, became Christian, removed the bans on Christian religions, made Christianity Rome's official religion


What are they most known for in history? Major accomplishments?

-Sargon I

adopted as a child, Sargon is an emperor who conquered Northern Mesopotamia and created the world's first empire


What are they most known for in history? Major accomplishments?

- Queen Hatshepsut

married to Thutmose ll,  after Thutmose died queen Hatshepsut took the throne, known for dressing as a man and calling herself king


What are they most known for in history? Major accomplishments?


brilliant elected leader, encouraged people to take pride and participate in government in the city, also encouraged people to introduce democracy into the city


What are they most known for in history? Major accomplishments?

-Alexander the Great

one of the greatest conquerors in history, defeated many groups, his army got tired of going so far that they had to go home, built the biggest empire the world has ever seen, built named many cities in his empire after himself


What are they most known for in history? Major accomplishments?


emperor who reunited the Old Roman Empire, created Justinian's code which made all laws christian-like, he was threatened to leave Constantinople but was urged by wife, Theodora to stay and fight, thanks to Theodora they kept their reign over Taly and much land around the Mediterranean


What are they most known for in history? Major accomplishments?

- Gilgamesh 

 Uruk's king, and a legendary figure in Sumerian literature


What are they most known for in history? Major accomplishments?

-Ramses the Great

pharaoh, one of the longest reigns in Egyptian history, built a city called Pi-Ramesse fought the Hittites and later became allies


What are they most known for in history? Major accomplishments?


Greek philosopher, believed people should never stop looking for knowledge, we call his style of thinking the Socrates method because he was a teacher and a thinker


What are they most known for in history? Major accomplishments?

- Romulus and Remus

Twin brothers, told to be adopted by wolves, built a city, Remus copied one of Romulus' ideas, in a fit Romulus killed Remus, he than built a city and named it after himself, Romulus was first king of Rome


What are they most known for in history? Major accomplishments?

-Jesus (you should know who he is, if you don't then that's depressing)


brilliant warrior, strong king, led Franks in building a huge empire, led armies into battle against many surrounding neighbors and conquered them, his empire includes what is now France, Germany, Austria, Italy, and Northern Spain, Pope Leo lll crowned Charlemagne emperor of the Romans, built schools, brought scholars to teach in his capital
