The Middle colonies were know as what?
Red Basket
Were did the Puritan land?
Who married pocahotas
John Rolfe
Best Player For The Bulls
Michael Jordan
When did carolina split into two colonies
What state was named after the Duke of York?
New York.
Roger William left Massichesett and started what colony?
Rhode Island
Who lead the Bacons rebelion?
Nathaniel Bacon
The 13 colonies were from what country?
English Colonies
What colonies was the last of the original 13
The society of Freinds founded what colony?
Who was banned from Masschusett and and went to Rhode Isalnd
Anne Huschinson.
Who was the leader of the pigram of the Mayflower?
William Bradford.
What day do we get out of school?
When do we get out of school
May 16.
What was the Act of toleration
allows other region into the colony
The Duke gave his freinds what colony?
What happend is salem Massichusetts?
The Salem Witch Trials.
What Native American Helped the Pilgrams.
Squanto and Somoset.
Wha t book are we reading in reading
The way of water
What was George Calvert son name
Delaware broke away from what colony
How many people were hanged for being witchs?
Who was Carolina named after?
What shoe brand does Shaq use