Test Questions 1
Test Questions 2
Test Questions 3
Why did Columbus sail west on his first expedition
What is To Find a shorter route to the Indies
What did NOT happen as a result of the Columbian Exchange? a. Europeans brought horses, cattle, sheep, and pigs to the Western Hemisphere b. Europeans enjoyed new foods from the Americas c. Many Indians died from overwork and diseases d. Europeans practiced Indian religion and customs, and the 2 groups shared the land.
What is d
Which BEST describes the Indians' life on an encomienda? a. they had large farms with many workers b. they often worked without pay and were expected to become Christians c. They were wealthy and powerful landowners who wanted to become Christians d. They ran small businesses making furniture or clothing to sell to settlers.
What is they often worked without pay and were expected to become Christians
These are imaginary lines that circle the globe in an east-west direction (side to side)
What is latitude.... remember (lap)
The imaginary lines that run North and South (up and down) on a map are _____________ lines
What is Longitude
Which of the following was NOT a reason Columbus made more voyages to the West Indies? a. Spain wanted him to start a colony in the West Indies b. He delivered people and animals to the new land c. He wanted to learn the languages of the Taino d. The Spanish wanted the riches of the land
What is He wanted to learn the languages of the Taino
How did Columbus's voyages impact the America's?
What is Columbus showed the Europeans the way to the America's
Why did the Spanish landowners want to keep slaves?
What is The slaves made them rich
The line of latitude that is at 0 degrees is
What is the Equator
Lines of Longitude are also called what
What is Meridians
The moving of people and their ways of life between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres is called what
What is The Columbian Exchange
Which BEST describes the factors that enabled Cortes to defeat the Aztecs? a. larger forces, better weapons, and horses b. metal armor, muskets, horses, and allies c. stone weapons, muskets, and allies d. disease, allies, and more men
What is metal, armor, muskets, horses, and allies
Which answer correctly sequences the groups in new Spain's colonial society from most to least powerful? a. peninsulares, Africans and Indians, creoles, mestizos b. Africans and Indians, mestizos, creoles, peninsulares c. peninsulares, Africans and Indians, mestizos, creoles d. peninsulares, creoles, mestizos, Africans and Indians
What is peninsulares, creoles, mestizos, Africans and Indians
Latitude is measured in _______
What is degrees
What is at 0 degrees Longitude
What is The Prime Meridian
What colony was founded after the defeat of the Incan Empire?
What is Peru
Which happened first in Spain's search for gold? a. Esteban was killed by the Zuni people in what is now New Mexico b. Cabeza de Vaca traveled the American Southwest c. The kingdom of Cibola was discovered far north of Mexico d. Coronado explored what is now the American Southwest.
What is Cabeza de Vaca traveled the American Southwest
What was Las Casas's point of view on Indians in the encomienda system?
What is He wanted all slavery to end
Whoever is the speaker for this question, run to the board and write this in number form forty degrees north latitude
What is 40 (degree symbol) N
Go to the board and write the symbol for this..... forty degrees west longitude
What is 40 (degree symbol) W
After Cortes conquered the Aztecs, who conquered the Incan empire?
Who is Pizarro
Which happened AFTER Esteban's death in what is now New Mexico? a. Coronado continued the search for Cibola b. Cabeza de Vaca was shipwrecked off the Texas coast. c. Zuni people joined another expedition to find Cibola d. The Spanish abandoned their search for the kingdom.
What is Coronado continued the search for Cibola
Why do archaeologists today find evidence of the ancient Aztec capital right in the center of Mexico City?
What is because Mexico City was built on top of Tenochtitlan, the former Aztec capital
Look at the map on page 141 in your Social Studies book and tell me what continent is at 20 degrees N, and 5 degrees W
What is Africa
All Meridians West of the Prime Meridian are labeled W until they reach what?
What is 180 degrees...(then they change to East)