The New World
Lost Colony of Roanoke
A time of exploration and discovery of new ideas and information.
What is: Age of Discovery
Why an investigator would have to make inferences on the success of Roanoke is
What is: That there were almost no clues about the colony's disappearance.
In the article "Challenges and Successes of Early American Settlements" What does Economic Gains - Jamestown-1607 and Religious Freedom -Plymouth-1620 mean?
What is: When, Where and Why U.S. colonies were established.
Which pair is matched CORRECTLY: Amphibian - has gills as an adult Bird - Lives on land and under water Fish - Has Feathers Reptile - Has skin with scales
What is: Reptile (has skin with scales)
Which detail given below is NOT a basic need of animals?
What is: COLOR
What MAIN thing happened in the New Age of Discovery?
What: Trade between Europe and the New World increased.
He sent ships to North America to establish colonies.
Who is Sir Walter Raleigh.
Which animals are in the same group: crocodile and snake frog and worm ladybug and shark spider and fish
What is: crocodile and snake
Animals have characteristics that make them part of a group. COMPARE & CONTRAST (SIM. & DIFFERENCES) reptiles & amphibians.
What is: Reptiles and amphibians are both vertebrates. Reptiles have dry skin and scales, but amphibians have moist skin.
Why do animals need shelter?
What is: For protection
What is the best title for the of people who explored the New world?
What is: European Explorers
What was the most likely effect of why the 1st Roanoke colonists' inability to grow their own food?
What is:The settlers returned home.
Which animal has NO backbone: Whale Lizard Clam Snake
What is: Clam
A scientist finds an animal's nest. The nest has pieces of eggshell and feathers. INFER what this animal is and how it will get from place to place. Explain.
What is: The animal must be a bird because it hatched from an egg and has feathers. Since most birds can fly, it will probably fly from place to place.
Which animals are grouped together: snails and squids spiders and ants goldfish and whales frogs and snakes
What is: Snails and squids
Why did Europeans want to establish colonies in the New World?
What is: To firmly establish their presence there; to claim the lands first; and to keep problems with the American Indians to a minimum.
To this day what really happened to the Lost Colony of Roanoke?
What is: No one has figured out why the colony disappeared?
Which of these is NOT a trait of mammals: Have hair or fur Have scales Feed milk to their young Breathe with lungs
What is: Have scales
Which of these three animals is most UNLIKE the others: Honeybee, Fish, Snake. Then tell why you chose this animal.
What is: The honeybee is the most unlike the other animals because it does not have a backbone as the two other animals do. It is an invertebrate, and the fish and snake are vertebrates.
In what way are birds and mammals alike?
What is: They both breathe with lungs.
He wanted to quickly eliminante the French as competition for land and the riches.
Who is Aviles
Which animal is a reptile: bear, monkey, bird, snake
What is: snake
How are inspects and spiders alike?
What is: They both have an outer body covering.
A friend tells you that frogs and fish belong to the same group of animals because the can both live in a pond. Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
What is: I disagree. Frogs are amphibians, not fish. Fish spend their entire lives in water, but frogs only spend part of their time in water. Adult frogs breathe with lungs, but fish breathe will gills. Also, fish have scales, but frogs do not.
Why do many amphibians stay near water for their entire lives?
What is: They need water to lay their eggs and to keep their skin moist.