Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6

This passageway was discovered by Dr. Thomas Walker in 1750. What geographical landmark was part of the Wilderness Road and was the chief means through the Appalachian Mountains from the east in early American history?

A. Continental Divide

B. Natural Bridge

C. Cumberland Gap

D. Pike's Road

What is the Cumberland Gap 


This colony was established by George Calvert, also know as Lord Baltimore, in the early 1600's. What American colony was established as a haven for Catholics in the New World?

A. New York

B. Maryland

C. South Carolina

D. Georgia 

What is Maryland


This market condition occurs when the quantity supplied and the quantity demanded is in balance. What economic principle describes this pint where buyers and sellers agree on a good's price?

A. equilibrium

B. scarcity

C. opportunity cost

D. competition

What is equilibrium


This famous ornithologist, or bird enthusiast, lived in Kentucky for part of his life. He is known for his detailed illustrations of birds in their natural habitats. A first edition of his book, The Birds of America, was recently sold at auction for $11.5 million. Which man is credited with discovering 25 new species of birds and has a state park named for him in Henderson, Kentucky?

A. Thomas Edison

B. John James Audubon

C. Eli Whitney

D. John Deere

Who is John James Audubon


The former Soviet Union was based on the economic principles of collectivization and a centralized, planned economy. What party ruled the USSR from its inception in 1917 until dissolved in December 1991? 

A. Democrat-Republican

B. Communist

C. Whig 

D. Know-Nothing

What is a Communist


The first and fifth governor of the state of Kentucky, he led the Kentucky militia in the Battle of the Thames. What soldier/politician has counties in nine states named in his honor?

A. Isaac Shelby

B. James Garrard

C. George Madison

D. John Breathitt

Who is Isaac Shelby


The seventh president of the United States, he was a decorated general with wins over the Creek Indians at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend and the British at the Battle of New Orleans. He was a polarizing figure who destroyed the national bank and relocated most Native Americans from the Southeast to west of the Mississippi. What President was nicknamed "Old Hickory"?

A. Andrew Jackson

B. George Washington

C. James Madison

D. John Quincy Adams

Who is Andrew Jackson


This Latin phrase means "out of many, one". What slogan appears on nearly all American coins and the Seal of the United States?

A. annuit coptis

B. caveat emptor

C. e pluribus unum

D. novus ordo seclorum

What is e pluribus unum


This process can be caused by a number of different forces. Naturally, it can occur by wind, water, ice, or the slow creep of gravity. It can also be caused by humans or industrial agriculture or deforestation. What is this process by which materials are removed from the surface of the earth?

A. liquefaction

B. erosion

C. radiation

D. evaporation

What is erosion


Established by Article I of the Constitution, this branch of government is bestowed with the sole powers to pass laws, declare war, confirm or reject Presidential appointments, and substantial investigative powers. What branch is composed of the House of Representatives and the Senate? 

A. Judicial

B. Executive

C. Administrative

D. Legislative

What is legislative


This far Western region of Kentucky is bordered on three sides by bodies of water. What region is bordered on the west by the Mississippi River, the the North by the Ohio River, and to the east by the Tennessee River?

A. Knobs

B. Bluegrass

C. East Kentucky Coal Field

D. Jackson Purchase

What is the Jackson Purchase


Composed of two phases, both air and amphibious landings in Normandy, France, this was the turning point in the war in Europe during World War II. This battle involved the mobilization of nearly 200,000 Allied troops by the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, Dwight Eisenhower. What was June 6, 1944 more commonly known as?

A. Battle of the Bulge

B. Battle of Waterloo

C. Siege of Leningrad

D. D-Day

What is D-Day


In January 2012, the European Union imposed an oil embargo on this country in order to get them to halt their nuclear weapon development program. What country is ruled by the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, and has a capital at Tehran?

A. Pakistan

B. Iraq

C. Saudi Arabia

D. Iran

What is Iran


An English explorer and navigator, he made two attempts to find the Northwest Passage to the Orient through the Arctic. Which explorer has a river in New York as well as an immense bay in Canada named after him?

A. Sir Francis Duke

B. Jacques Cartier

C. John Cabot

D. Henry Hudson

Who is Henry Hudson


The idea of self government is exemplified by the first three words of the Constitution. What are the first three words of the Preamble?

A. We hold these

B. Might makes right 

C. We the people 

D. When in the 

What is We the people


This city has been deemed the fastest growing city in the United States, with more people moving there in the last decade than New York and Chicago combined. What is the largest city in Texas?

A. Tucson

B. Houston

C. Santa Fe

D. Pheonix 

What is Houston


Kentucky, Massachusetts, Virginia, and Pennsylvania are the only four states to have this designation. What term refers to a "government base on the common consent of the people"?

A. public opinion

B. implied powers

C. voice vote

D. commonwealth

What is commonwealth


Kentucky's land area is about 40,410 square miles, making it the 37th largest US state. Which of the following states is SMALLER than Kentucky?

A. New York

B. Minnesota

C. New Jersey

D. Montana

What is New Jersey


After leaving Massachusetts following a disagreement with the colony's leaders, this prominent Puritan founded the colony of Connecticut. What Puritan preacher helped write "The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut", thought by many to be the world's first democratic constitution to establish a representative government?

A. Thomas Hooker

B. Sir Walter Raleigh

C. James Oglethorpe

D. John Smith

Who is Thomas Hooker


This war started as a result of rival claims by France and Britain to the "Ohio Country". As a result of this war the American colonists were unified against a common enemy for the first time, French influence was greatly diminished, and Britain's colonial dominance was confirmed. What war is also known as the Seven Year's War in Europe?

A. First Baron's War

B. Jacobite Rebellion

C. War of the Roses

D. French and Indian War

What is the French ad Indian War


A Spanish conquistador and explorer, his route through the southeastern United States was in search of gold and a passage to China. Which explorer was credited with being the first European to cross the Mississippi River?

A. Vasco Nunez de Balboa

B. Henry Hudson

C. Hernando De Soto

D. John Cabot

Who is Hernando De Soto


Which of the following is NOT a responsibility or duty of citizenship?

A. pay taxes

B. read books

C. serve on a jury

D. vote

What is read books


Located in Southeastern Kentucky in Harlan County, it is the largest mountain in the state of Kentucky. What mountain rises 4,145 feet above sea level just above the town of Lynch?

A. Black Mountain

B. Cold Mountain

C. Blue Mountain

D. Bold Mountain

What is Black Mountain


Match each American war on the left with the president who was commander-in-chief during that time.

x. Civil War                        1. James Madison

y. War of 1812                   2. Abraham Lincoln

z. Mexican-American War   3. James Polk

What is x-2,y-1,z-3


The monument pictured, located in Washington, D.C., was partially damaged during the earthquakes that struck the area in 2011. What is the earth's tallest stone structure and tallest obelisk more commonly known as?

A. Mount Rushmore

B. Space Needle

C. Washington Monument 

D. Monticello 

What is the Washington Monument
