Supreme Court Cases
International Relations
Political Philosophy
American Expansion
Presidential Administrations

This is the name of the Supreme court case that gave the Judiciary branch the power of Judicial Review (the ability to determine whether or not a law or government action is unconstitutional)

Marbury v. Madison


After the Constitution was ratified, the US chose not to help this ally nation in its own Revolution for independence.



In his farewell address, George Washington warned against engaging in foreign entanglements and from forming these.

Political Parties


When the Constitution was ratified, this is the number of States that made up the entire country



The first president of the United States elected under the new United States Constitution.

General George Washington


Prior to the establishment of Judicial Review, Congress enacted the Sedition Act of 1798, which prohibited anti-government speech. Some states refused to follow this law because they said it violated which Amendment to the constitution?

The first Amendment (freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom to petition the government, freedom to assemble)


This war against Britain was known as America's second war for independence.

The War of 1812


The first two formal political parties in the United States were the Federalists and the Democratic Republicans. The leaders of these two parties were ________ and _______.

Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson.


After the Revolutionary War ended, the United States' western border was extended to this waterway.

The Mississippi River


This is the second president of the United States, a Federalist who spent the first part of his presidency using diplomacy to prevent a war with France

John Adams

In the case Gibbons v Ogden, the Supreme Court ruled that only the federal government could regulate what between states?

Commerce (trade)


The Monroe Doctrine was concerned by European interference in which part of the world?

South America


In McCulloch v. Maryland, the court interpreted the "necessary and proper" clause of the Constitution to uphold the legality of the institution of a National Bank. This kind of interpretation of the Constitution, which allows for a more flexible interpretation of the text of the document, is called what?

Loose Constructionist

This purchase of land doubled the size of the United States.

The Louisiana Purchase


This US president was elected as the first Democratic Republic president, and the transition from a Federalist administration to a different party showed that the US Constitution enshrined the peaceful transfer of power between leaders of opposing parties

Thomas Jefferson


The cases of Fletcher v. Peck and Dartmouth v. Woodward both revolved around the court upholding the validity of what?



This 1807 law prohibited all trade with England and France in an attempt to avoid getting involved in a war between them

The Embargo Act


Thomas Jefferson was the first president to implement fiscal policies based on the writings of British economist Adam Smith, who was in favor of what?

Free market (laissez faire) economics, or limited government intervention in economic markets


Control over this port city was the primary reason the US negotiated the purchase of 828,000 square miles of land from France

New Orleans


This president oversaw the War of 1812, and his wife Dolley was responsible for saving valuable White House artifacts before it was torched by the British soldiers

James Madison


All of the cases we have discussed in class so far were decided under Chief Justice __________

John Marshall


After the Embargo Act and the War of 1812 ended, cheap British-made goods poured into US markets. To help make US products more competitive, Congress enacted __________



After the Federalist party dissolved, Congress divided into three philosophical sections. The section advocating for the Northern part of the country most embodied Federalist ideals, and it was led by Congressman ___________.

Daniel Webster


As America expanded, President Jefferson sent explorers to survey the new land. Lewis and Clark explored the northwest while this other adventurer explored the new American southwest.

Zebulon Pike


This US President was the last one elected who had served in the Revolutionary War

James Monroe
