What are features such as plains, mountains, hills, and valleys?
What are the Mountains, Piedmont, and Coastal Plains?
Coastal Plain
What are wetlands, shallow waters, and storms?
Minerals are mostly found.
What is western North Carolina?
What is the city area?
Natural Resource
What is something found in nature that people can use to grow or make the things they need or want?
What are rolling hills and low mountains?
The Fall Line, steep land, and rivers that turned into waterfalls or rapids?
What are tobacco and corn?
What is the countryside?
What is a group's way of life?
Fall Line
What are steep, narrow trails, rock slides, snowstorms, and floods?
What is in the mountain region?
Coastal Plain
What are the sandy beaches, swampy wetlands, and flat or gently rolling land?
What is the mountain region?
Importance of Trees.
What are used for paper and building?
What is the movement of people?
What is to change?
The Mountains
What the smallest region with steep and covered forests?
What is the Coastal Plains?
What is the height of the land above sea level?