What is a Political Map?
A map that shows borders between states or countries
What is Absolute Location?
Finding a location using coordinates
What is Longitude?
Vertical lines
Uses East and West
Measure how East and West you are of the prime meridian
What is a Physical Map?
A map that shows physical features
Physical features: land forms or water features
Example: Mountains, lakes, rivers, oceans, plains
What is Latitude?
Horizontal lines
Uses cardinal directions
What is the Hemisphere?
Half of the map
Northern hemisphere
Southern hemisphere
Eastern hemisphere
Western hemisphere
What is a Transit Map?
A map that shows transportation routes in an area
What are the Parts of a Map?
-scale --> miles / kilometers
-map key / legend --> symbols and what they represent
-compass rose --> shows the cardinal and intermediate directions
-title --> shows what the map is about
What are the 5 oceans?
Artic, Southern, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian
What is a Population Map?
A map that shows the amount of people living in that area
What are Cardinal Directions?
What are the 7 continents?
Asia, Antartica, North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Australia
What is a Climate Map?
A map that shows the average temperature and weather in that area
What are Intermediate Directions?