describe the main ideas of confuciansm.
respect for others, having self worth.
what was traded along the silk road
spices and goods, teas silk.
What were the Characteristics of the Zhou dynasty.
It was the longest lasting and was an intellectual awakening.
Discribe the great wall
It began construction in the Qin dynasty and were used to keep out evaders. instead of being one wall its made up of sections.
Define: Bireacracy
Type of gov ruled by non elected officials.
Discribe the main ideas of legalism.
Humans are evil by nature. people who apposed will be executed or punished.
what was the purpose of Oracle bones, and which dynasty used them.
The shang dynasty, and the bones were used for predicting the future.
what were the responsibilities of warlords in Ancient China
they were military generals who had control over regions and came together to take over.
Who had the terracotta army built, what was its purpose and what's unique about it.
Qin shi Huang had it built to show his strength, and is unique because each statue was different.
Define: Dynasty
a line of rulers from the same family.
describe the main ideas of Daoism
that there should be balance in life.
discribe some of the features of the Qin Dynasty.
Teracotta army, the begininng of the great wall, and legalism.
What were the main crops grown in ancient China
Rice, millet and grains.
What do we know about the Xia dynasty? why
we know little because no records were kept.
Define: Bronze casting
Process used to create bronce sculptures, used in Ancient times.
what is filial piety
a Confucian belief that is about having respect for ones family and ancestors.
What were taotoi masks used for discribe their features.
They were used for driving evil spirits away, they had long noses , fangs, eyes, and horns.
What Rivers did ancient China develop near.
Huang river.
Discribe the characteristics of the Shang Dynasty
First recorded dynasty w/ records organized cities and advanced architecture.
Define: cultural defusion
Exchange of belief ideas tradition goods from one culture to another.
Explain 3 reasons why the silk road was dangerous.
there were robbers, bad weather and drought.
What is the mandate from heaven
Permission from God to rule.
what were the analects
the analects were a collection of works by Confucius about self value and respect.
Define: Aristocracy.
Weathiest ruling class.
jeopardy done