What is your social filter?
The tool in our brain we use to keep unexpected thoughts in and let expected thoughts out -deciding if you should think it or say it.
How do you listen with your eyes?
Looking toward the speaker
What zone are you in if you are feeling tired or sick?
the BLUE zone
List 2 examples of small problems
It is time to clean up and put things away, your pencil breaks, the teacher doesn't call on you, you don't get to sit by your friend in class, etc.
Do or don't? Your mom tells you that it is time to wash the dishes, and you say, "I'm sick of cleaning up."
Don't say it - keep it in your thoughts! What could you say instead?
How do you listen with your body?
Your body is facing toward the speaker.
What is an expected behavior in the library?
1) Listen when a story is being read. 2) Use your shelf marker when choosing a book. 3) Stay in your seat or floor spot until it is your turn. 4) Treat the books with care. 5) Choose your book quietly. 6) Wait in line to check out. 7) Read your book quietly at your table.
What color zone are you in when you are feeling distracted and frustrated?
The YELLOW zone
What size of problem can you usually fix by yourself?
A small problem.
How do you listen with your mouth?
Not speaking when the other person is speaking and not making disruptive noises.
How do expected behaviors make others feel?
Happy, comfortable, relaxed and calm
What zone are you in when you are focused and doing your best?
Tell us 2 examples of big problems
House is on fire, someone is physically hurting you, you have to get surgery, etc.
What is something expected to say about a person's new haircut that you don't like?
"I see you got a new haircut!" or something similar.
How do you listen with your brain?
Thinking about what the speaker is saying.
How does unexpected behavior make others feel?
Uncomfortable, have weird thoughts about you, frustrated, irritated, distracted
What zone are you in when you are feeling angry and ready to yell?
What makes something a big problem?
-It involves a larger group of people -It is dangerous You definitely need help to fix it. -It will take a long time to fix it.
What are some questions you should ask yourself when deciding if you should say something or keep it as a thought in your head?
Is it true? Is it helpful? Is it inspiring? Is it necessary? Is it kind?
How do we listen with our heart?
Show that you care about the person speaking and show respect to them as a good listener
What type of behavior do you have if you are following the group plan?
Expected behavior
What is a strategy you can use if you are in the yellow zone in order to calm down and move to the green zone?
Breathing techniques, take a walk, talk to a friend, etc.
What is an example of a big reaction to a small problem?
Examples: A person throws their pencil because the teacher tells them they need to fix a question. Someone cries because the teacher called on someone else to answer the question. You yell at someone because they are sitting where you wanted to sit at the table, etc.