Why is it helpful for everybody in the class to raise our hands instead of blurting out in class?
So that everyone can hear what others are saying, to make sure everyone hears teacher instructions, etc.
You notice a kid who is new to Romona sitting by themselves at lunch. What might they be thinking and feeling?
Nervous, lonely, overwhelmed.
You have been working on a math problem for a long time and can't seem to figure it out. What "I" statement can you use to fix the problem?
"I need help with this math problem. Can you explain the directions to me?"
What is Mrs. H's favorite color? (Three possible answers)
Light blue, light pink, light purple
What is the group plan?
When everybody is thinking about and doing the same thing
When your brain and body are with the group
Think it or Say it:
"I'm not playing with you at recess!"
Think it.
Your sibling borrows a toy of yours without asking
"I don't like when you take my things without asking. Next time, please ask me."
What is Mrs. H's favorite food?
Mac n Cheese
What are our three goals in school?
To learn, to feel safe/comfortable, and to have fun.
What types of clues can you use to guess what someone is thinking and feeling?
Facial expression, body language, the situation, reading the room, tone of voice.
Your teacher gives a lot of directions at once and you don't understand what you're supposed to do. What "I" statement can you use to clarify the instructions?
"I get confused when there are a lot of directions at once. Can you explain them to me again?"
What are Mrs. H's cats named?
Boots and Socks
Explain what "reading the room" means.
(You can give an example if that's easier!)
Guessing what others are thinking or feeling based on the situation (or the group plan).
Describe what "social impact" means.
How others think and feel about you based on your words and actions.
One of your friends says something mean about one of your other friends behind their back.
"I don't like talking about him/her behind their back. Can we talk about something else?"
How many years has Mrs. H worked at Romona?
3 years!
Invisible line separating what is and isn't comfortable for someone
What questions do you ask yourself when using your social filter?
Is this helpful?
Is this true?
Is it kind?
What is "self-advocacy"?
(Hint: it comes from the verb meaning "to advocate")
Self-advocacy is speaking up for yourself to get what you need.
How do you spell Mrs. H's last name?