Tricky People
What We Do
What We Say
How We Look

Tricky people are always unsafe, True or False?



Which animal is always at a baseball game?

A Bat! 


Having a safe body makes people feel uncomfortable and scared to be around me. True or false? 

False! Having a safe body makes people feel comfortable and safe around me. 


True or False: Listening isn't very important when we are talking to other people. 

FALSE! Listening is very important. If we ignore someone who is talking to us, it makes a poor impression. 


True or False: good hygiene practices make good impressions. 

True! When we look clean and smell good people have good thoughts about us. 


Give an example of a "safe stranger"

Security, law enforcement, employees at shops, trusted adults, etc.


How can you get to know a new person who you are interested in developing a friendship with?

Ask them questions, and build up your friend files! Use the friend files to keep the conversation going and let the person know you are interested. 


Where do sheep like to go on vacation?

the BAAAAAA-hamas!
What is a follow up question?

A follow up question is a question we can ask to get more information about the topic being discussed. 


You're going to a wedding for your cousin. The invitation says casual attire is acceptable and the wedding is outside. Give an example of what would be appropriate to wear to this event. 

Clothes are clean and wrinkle free. Slacks and a dress shirt, or a nice dress that isn't too fancy. It's also expected that your hygiene is tops! 


What kind of tree fits in your hand?

A PALM tree! 

You are getting to know a new friend and you like them a lot. You're very excited about them and call, text, and chat with them a lot. They let you know they can only talk after work hours and on the weekends. What should you do to make a good impression and continue growing this friendship?

Respect their boundary and only communicate with them during times they said they are available. This shows them you care about them and their needs! 


What kind of impression does it make when I am sitting up tall, giving whole body listening, and participating in class?

Good impression! People have good thoughts about me when I have expected behaviors at school. 


Your friend tells you they lost their softball game over the weekend and they are pretty down about it. What is an example of a supportive comment you could make?

"I'm sorry to hear that," 

"It can be tough to lose, but maybe you can win next time!"

"That's rough, I am sorry your team lost." 


Which of the following is a clue a person might be considered "tricky?"

1.) A store clerk asks you if you need any help

2.) An adult stranger asks you to help them to find their lost dog

B- Safe adults don't ask strangers to help them


You notice you feel badly after hanging out with a certain new friend. You should: 

Set a boundary to help protect your energy. 


Name two visual or verbal clues that you might notice if someone is feeling annoyed. 

Rolling eyes, arms crossed, looking away, sigh, etc. 

When it comes to what we say, which is more important? What words we say, or the way we say it? (Tone of voice, body language)

Both are important, but the way we say things can change the message. The way we say it is the most important. 


Why did detectives show up to a concert on the beach?

Because there was something fishy going on!

Name a few things that you might notice happening that are clues that you're uncomfortable around a person. (Hint, think "gut feeling").

Butterflies in stomach, sweaty palms, uncomfortable thoughts, etc. 


Name three qualities that you might think of as "red flags" or warning signs in a potential friend:

Controlling, bossy, unkind, bullying behaviors, doesn't listen, doesn't share, etc. 


Sometimes we do things that don't make a great impression. If we do something that bothers or offends another person, what should we do?

Apologize and repair! Nobody's perfect, when we make a mistake we need to be accountable, apologize, and do better next time. 


What does a mermaid use to call her friends?

A shell phone, of course! 


You're going on a job interview at a local coffee shop. The employees wear casual clothes like jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers to work. What should you wear to the interview to make a good impression. 

Nice pants (not jeans) and a button up shirt or blouse. Even though the employees dress more casually, for an interview it's expected to dress nicely to make a good impression. 
