In Class
What should you do?
Social Thinking
About YourClassmates
and Expected
You don't answer when someone asks you a question

Unexpected: they may think you are rude or don't like them.


You feel like one of your friends is mad at you, but you don't know why. What would you do?

reflect and then talk to your friend privately and ask them 


People never stop learning about social thinking 




You swore at a friend

Apologize and tell them about why you were frustrated/upset/ mad


expected= positive behaviors

unexpected = __________ behaviors



Lisa keeps humming right next to you when you are trying to work. What would an expected behavior be? 

politely ask her to stop 


Tommy can't stand the student sitting next to him because he is always talking and distracts him. What should he do? 

ask the teacher to move spots


I can use my social thinking to help me figure out which people I don't want to spend time around. 




These people gets uncomfortable and embarrassed when you swear

teachers/some classmates


what is an expected behavior when someone is inappropriate

ignore and or report


A student raised their hand in class to answer    You corrected them and told him the answer. Is this an expected or unexpected behavior? 

unexpected if it is in front of the class - this is the teacher's job

expected would be if it was in private to help the person out, not to call them out in front of the class 


Your friend did not want to work with you on a project in class. What would an expected behavior be? 

To find another partner, and ask them after class why they did not want to work with you


We can use social thinking to figure out,

a. what people mean when they point at something or use non verbals 

b. what people are planning

c. what people are feeling

d. what I am supposed to say

hint: there may be more than 1 right answer



This person is cool because

any appropriate answer


When you have unexpected behaviors in class how do your peers feel? (There may be more than one answer)

a. unsafe

b. irritated 

c. jealous 

d. anxious

a, b, d


You get assigned a project in class you do NOT want to do. Your teacher comes over to you and asks you to get started, you refuse. Your teacher gives you another chance to fix it, what would 2 expected behaviors be in this situation? 

answers can vary

1. apologize for being rude

2. do your work 

3. ask for help 


You hear a group of friends in the hallway talking about you and looking at you laughing. When you ask them what is funny, they say you. What should you do? 

Walk away from the situation and go tell a teacher 


BONUS: another way to talk about people improving their social smarts is to say they are getting more... 



What formality should you use with a teacher?

Use MR or Mrs if they require it


You lost a game in class and your name is in last place. You shout out, ugh I am such a loser and put your head on the table and pout. Expected or unexpected? What would the opposite behavior look like? 


expected: say oh shoot, hopefully next time I will do better, congratulate the person next to you 

answers can vary 


You raise your hand to answer a question and the teacher does not call on you. You are disappointed and make the face below.....   for a second, when listening to your friend answer the question. Expected or unexpected? 

expected, it is ok to feel disappointed because you were not called on. You showed a quick disappointed face and moved on within a second. This is ok. It would not be ok if you continued this disappointed face for more than a second or two. Then that would be an unexpected behavior. 


 Your friends finished their work, but you weren't finished yet. They were playing a game. What would you do? What if you do not understand the material? What is a good thing to remember about taking your time on your work?

continue working

ask for help from the teacher or even a friend if it is just an assignment (not a quiz or a test), use your notes 

answers vary: examples: 

everyone gets things done at different times 

sometimes the students who are done the fastest end up having to redo their work because they rushed through it

it is better to take your time so you do not have to take extra time later to redo it and do more work 


define social thinking, provide three reasons why they are important to have and use. 

the type of thinking your brain is doing to figure out yourself and other people, when you think about what others are trying to do or tell you and how to respond

what people mean when they point at something or use non verbals, what people are planning, what people are feeling, what I am supposed to say


Why are racist statements and jokes not ok?

it offends people and makes them feel bad about themselves. 

THIS is a form of bullying


How your peers feel affects how they treat you. So if your peers feel annoyed, they will likely treat you __________. 

Give one example of what they might do.

bad, negatively

mean face, roll eyes, ignore your, annoyed tone of voice, nag on you, not include you   
